Chapter 13: Medusa's Lair

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Falling asleep last night with Secco was nice. Although he was shivering most of the night and He Was wearing some weird Suit thing that made it kind of Rough to sleep next to.

Secco was Just like a kid, he was just like you! When you woke up in the morning you saw Secco laying next to you all curled up like a dog.

Sitting up I smiled at hin gently and then yawned and stretched, I leaned over and gave Secco a gentle pat on the head before sittng up.

Then slowly I slide off the bed and Give my bunny a couple Rubs on the head and tummy. But as I did that I hear a growl from behind me.

Turning around I see Secco growling in Jealousy of me petting the bunny. Now I see Secco fully in the light of the morning, Deep purple eyes and a Tanish green suit covering his Body.

"Secco are you okay?" I asked as I stood up and looked at him on the bed

Secco shook his head no and jumped off the bed and Kneeled at my feet.

"Do you want some Head pats and tummy rubs too?" I asked him wondering if that's what he really wanted

Secco nods Rapidly and he Sits like a Dog and looks up at me

Smiling softly I scratch under his chin and Pet his head and Secco lets out a happy Purr of satisfaction.

After a few minutes he's laying on the ground and I'm petting him and rubbing and scratching his tummy. All the while Secco seems to be enjoying himself.

I giggle softly and soon I just lay down and give Secco a big Hug to which he happily returns.

Soon enough I hear Footsteps outside the door. Secco hears them as well and he jumps off and hides under the bed.

Mista Opens the door and looks down at me with a look of confusion

"What are you doing on the floor Like that?" Mista asked with a cocked eyebrow

Not wanting to give away Secco just yet, you sit up "I must have rolled off the bed while I was sleeping. I remember falling asleep in a bed" I said hoping my lie would work

Mista chuckled "Alright, Breakfast is downstairs. Bruno and Abbacchio want to talk to you about yesterday, we also need to start packing up your stuff. Someones coming to get you tomorrow"

I nodded, has it really been a week already? Wow. I didn't really want to leave..but I do want to leave because I'm just causing problems for these guys..

"Okay Mista..I'll be Down soon" you said with a soft smile

Mista nodded and then left the room, shutting the door behind him

Sighing, I sit up and look at my hands..It's like I'm back home Already..Bruno and Abbacchio are probably upset with me..I don't have any I have to figure it out for myself..

Usually, I just cry..

But right now all I want is (B/N)..

He would know how to help me..

I soon spot Secco come out from his hiding place and he nudges my leg and lays his head on my knee

"(Y/N)..Sad?" Secco asked softly

"No..I'm just thinking..I don't wanna go down there and face them..I made them worry and I made them upset with me.." You said

"B-B-But Quicker you go..Faster you can come back" Secco said

"Yeah..and Then you and I can cuddle some more" you said with a gentle smile and Secco nodded and he then nudged my hand with his head

Smiling I gently pet his head and scratch under his chin before getting up and getting dressed in the bathroom.. Going downstairs slowly, I was not ready to face them Yet but I had too..

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