Chapter 8: Sandwich Monsters

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All want calm and Quiet in the House today..The gentle Morning Rain hit against your window as you slept happily under your Blankets, the warm Soft Blanket laying over your small form as you sunk into the fluffiness of the bed, encasing you like a Cocoon of comfort. But that was all ruined when a Large Weight came Crashing with your body. Your little eyes Shot open as you looked at the intruder.

Tall, Male, Italian, Brown hair, curly.

This was Mista, he had Jumped on you while you were in bed in attempt to wake you up.

"Wake up sleepy Sheepy! It's
Time to get up! It's almost noon!" Mista said excitedly as he bounced up and down on your bed, making your tiny body bounce slightly.

You were still a little sleepy but you Sat up slightly and Yawned "Okay Okay Uncle Mista..Get off of me" you said sleepily. Mista Hopped off the bed and Spoke to you from a standing position next to the bed.

"The others went out today to Go grab you some actual Clothes so you don't have to wear the same thing everyday. They should be back in a few hours...Sooooo, That means we get to spend the Afternoon together!" Mista cheered

You giggled happily and then your tummy grumbled

"Sounds like someone's Tummy Monster is Hungry. Come on! Let's go get some Lunch" Mista said hopping off the Bed and heading to the door.

You Yawned and climbed out of bed and hopped down following after him. When you reach him you grab his hand and hold it. The two of you make your way down to the kitchen. When you arrive Mista picks you up and sets you down on the Counter

"Alright Kiddo. What are you Hungry For" He asked with a big smile

Smiling, you Thought to yourself..what would be Easy to make right now? Hmm..

Suddenly a thought Came to you

"Can we have Apples and cheese with some Ham sandwiches?" You asked

This was one of your favorite things in the world..Especially when your brother made them. He would make warm Ham and cheese sandwiches with some apples and Thin little cheese sticks. It was simple and always yummy

"You bet your bottom dollar kiddo!" Mista said as he Boop if your nose.

Mista starts To open up the fridge and pull out what we needed. He set the cheese and Ham on the counter then he Opened a drawer and pulled out some bread from a cupboard. He closed the fridge and walked over Setting what he had grabbed next to you before going to get an Apple or 2.

You sit on the Counter and begin to put Ham and Cheese in between Two slices of Bread..But then something Crazy happened..Some of the Sandwiches you made started to dissappear..They just vanished! Where did they go!

Looking around, Mista Turns back around and sees your distressed Look and frantic looking "What's wrong Kiddo?"

"T-The sandwiches Keep disappearing!" You cried as the 2 sandwiches you had put together were gone from the Plate that sat on the counter

"Maybe it was the Sandwich Monsters" Mista Said seriously

"Sandwich Monsters?" You asked inoccently and a Bit scared just at the fact that there were Monsters after your food

"Mhm. They are these little Yellow Creatures that come and steal food when they are Hungry" Mista explained to you

"Well..Let's make the Monsters some food so they won't take ours!" You said determined.

Mista chuckled but Agreed "Alright Bambina, Let's Make some food for the monsters."

After that you and Mista began to make Lunch, When youhad everything finished the Kitchen was a Mess but you set out some small sandwiches once they are done and then you and Mista watched over them to see what was eating them

Soon the food started To dissappear

"Do you see them Bambina?" Mista asked you as he watched the food get eaten by his stand.

"No uncle Mista..I don't see anything" You replied before you looked at him

"Come on you guys, quit playing around. Make yourself seen" Mista said

Confused, you turned back and Gasped seeing the small yellow Creatures "M-Mista! Look! I can see them now!"

Mista chuckled and nodded "Mhm, This is my Stand. You can see it now because they want you to see them. Stands are only seen by other users or when the Stand wants to be seen by someone who doesn't have a stand" Mista explained (A/N: just go with it)

You nodded, understanding the Jist of it

"Miiiiiissssttttaaaa!! I didn't get any!" The Little Stand with the number 5 on its forehead said in tears

The others little stands Laughed and Continued to eat

"Do..Do you want some of mine?" You asked Offering your Sandwich to the small Stand.

Number 5 looked at you and nodded, it Flew over and Sat next to your plate. You gave some of your Sandwich to the Little creature and smiled as he was happy to be Fed.

The other Numbers started to get Jealous of the attention by the new person and fought for your attention

"Look! Look!" Number 1 called to you as it was showing off

"Back off! She's not interested in you!" Number 3 yelled at number 1.

After that the two fought for a while.

A few hours past and you and Mista Hung out, and you two were on the floor of the living room playing with Mista's stand, just enjoying this time together laughing a day having a good time.

At around 4:30 The rest of the gang walked in with Groceries and a small bag of clothes for you. When the Gang saw you two on the floor playing with Sex Pistols you immediately asked about the others 'Stands'

Narancia, Giorno, and Bruno all happily showed you their stands, while Fugo and Abbacchio refused.

"Why won't you let me see your Stands?" You asked the two party poopers

"Mine can Kill you Bambina. I wouldn't want that" Fugo said "Yet." He mumbled

"I just don't want to" Abbacchio said before walking off to his bedroom for the rest of the night.

The rest of the night seemed to go by fast, you had dinner and then watched T.V. with Narancia, then you went to bed at 7:30.

Today was fun, and you learned about stands..but what would be next for you?

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