Chapter 4: The Others

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As you stood there Scared and Afraid, Giorno had taken the Lead and Went to Go Call the Others while Bruno took care of you and helped you calm down. You needed to explain who you were, How you got here, and anything else of importance, they needed you Calm if they wanted to get that information out of you, they couldn't have a Crying Child speak. No none would understand you
As Giorno Called the others to Meet up at the Meeting House, Bruno had managed to Get you Calm enough to where You latched onto him and he picked you up and held you Close.

~ • ~

Your POV:
Mr. Bruno is very nice..He's Warm and Cuddly Like a Mommy but He's Firm and Strong like a Daddy, I wonder if he has Kids of any kind..He seems like the Man to have some. He's holding me currently and it feels really nice, although his chest is all scraped up it still radiates a feeling of Love.
As I rest my head on his Chest I close My eyes and Life sees to skip forward. Because when I opened my eyes again I was in a new place with more people dressed in funny clothing and talking, as Things came into focus as I woke up, I saw all of the big buff Colorful Men standing around and speaking silently. I was still wrapped up in my blanket and I still had my Star Platinum Plush in my arms. These were all the Guys from JoJo! I was excited but scared seeing as most of them were Kind of mean and were bad guys..

I sat on the couch protected by my blanket and I looked up at all the men --and Jolyne w/ posse-- when I made eye contact with a certain man, Oh no. He was Very tall and Blonde with Pointy teeth and his heart Headband on his head Held back the Hair that would be covering his Face. He walked over and Bent down Smirking at me showing his Vampire Fangs.

"Well Well Well...What have we here." Dio said quietly as not to disturb the Other JoJo's from their conversation.

I shrunk down and Hid in the Blanket to try and get away, but before I could hide Fully, he Grabbed my Doll from Me and seeing as I loved that doll more than anything, I dropped the Blanket immediately and Reached to get it back.

"M-Mr. Dio! G-Give him back!" I cried out as I desperately reached for the Doll in his hands.

"So. It speaks and it knows my name. But this Stand Doll, Where did you get this?" He asked as he looked back down at me.

I Shrunk back down and Crossed my arms and then I shook my head no "I won't tell you! You're a big Meanie!"

Dio Growled lowly "You will Tell me. Or else you can kiss your Doll here Goodbye." He said as he held a knife up to the dolls throat

I reached out for it once again seeing the knife and I cried to alert anyone at this point. Thankfully another tall buff man, with short blue hair came in and took the doll from Dio and smacked him right across the face "Dio Brando. You behave yourself she's just a little girl."

Then the man with blue hair turned to me and handed me the doll as Dio Crosses his arms and walked away "There you are sweetheart. Sorry about him, I'm afraid he's a bit of a sour puss" He loudly whispered to me.

Then he winked and I giggled softly and sniffed back my tears and wiped my eyes with my hand. I held my doll and cuddled my star platinum stuffy, just happy he Was back in my arms.

"So Luv, Let's get a few things out of the way first. My name is Jonathan Joestar and These are other parts of the Joestar bloodline and Villans who want to kill us" He said with a smile

"Hello..Mr. Joestar, My name is (Y/N) (L/N)..." I said with a soft smile

"That's a Very Cute name for a cute little one" Jonathan said with a happy smile.

After I met Jonathan I was introduced to others and I saw people whispering while I was meeting others and they were trying to be nice to me.

Jonathan's POV:

She's so Cute. But she won't Survive here in this World..She was torn away from her Family and her friends, I can't imagine how she feels inside, but she's so young maybe she's never felt this before and doesn't know how to feel.

"Someone Needs to take care of her while she's Here you know, just for as long as it takes for me to figure out how to get her home.." Spedwagon whispered to me

"I know but Who is willing to take care of her. Most of us here have never Done that before." I whispered back to him as I crossed my arms and thought for a Second

"Why not have her choose? Then we just pass her around to others so everyone can have a chance to take care of her. Most of us here have taken a liking to her. She's very cute" Speedwagon whispered to me with a shrug

I only nodded "Sounds like a Good idea. Let's Sit her Down and Ask her."

"We'll have her choose before dinner"

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