Chapter 6: Getting adjusted

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After Dinner was done I was taken to a large White House, it had a gate around it, a cute little Garden out front and a Koi Pond. As we entered through the Gate and taken into the Large house I was amazed at how big everything was and how Everything was arranged, It wasn't as messy as I thought it was going to be. Entering the House I noticed everyone splitting off to go their Sepreate ways. Giorno was still with me as well as Bruno.

Giorno Put me Down and I took the time to look around

"Alright Bambina, this is our House. Let's get you up to a Room" Bruno said as he Squatted down to my height and put a hand on my head, ruffling my hair a bit

Nodding I Smile at Bruno and he stands up and holds out a hand and I reach up and happily Take it, Giorno watched us walk off and he soon went his own way.

I follow Bruno up a large Set of Cold white Marble stairs to a long Hallway with door on the Right and the left. We walk past 2 Doors on the right side before stopping in front of a large white door with a Gold handle. Bruno opens the door and reveals the room to me, Smiling happily and walk into the room and look around seeing the Large white blanketed bed with dark wood frame, a dark wood Dresser and closet, a soft white carpet under my Feet and a large Window with an almost transparent white Curtain. The room was very white and pretty.

"This is where you will be staying for the week. If you need anything my room Is downstairs, first door on the Left past the living room." Bruno said with a smile

"Okay Mr. Bucciacati" I said to him 

Bruno chuckled "Its Bucciarati, But please call me Bruno. That is much easier to say now isn't it?" 

I nodded and smiled softly as I fidgited with the bottom of my shirt 

"Good. Now you go ahead and get settled into bed. I'll be in to check on you in a little bit alright?" Bruno said as he squatted down and he out a gentle hand on my head

I nodded again and smiled up at him "Okay Mr. Bruno..Thank you very much" 

Bruno nods and stands up "You're very welcome. Now get some sleep, You have a big day tomorrow" 

Bruno then turned and left the room, shutting the door behind him, I smiled softly to myself and I took off my socks and took off my school uniform coat and Set it on the night stand. I walked over and Turned off the light and then finally dozed off to sleep. I just wanted to go back home..

No one's POV: 

As Young (Y/N) Rested upstairs in bed, the gang members sat at the dinner table and talked about taking care of you. Who would watch you Tomorrow while the gang went out and took care of some business 

"Bruno I think it should be you. She connects with you and she seems to like you more than any of us" Fugo said 

"Nonsense Fugo, She has latched onto me seeing as I'm the one who has taken the up the responsibility of helping her settle in and get comfortable in this house. While only minimal effort has come from any of you" Bruno said with his mom glare 

Giorno sighed "Besides Bruno can't watch after her, He has to be there when we present the Money. It says it right in the rules of the agreement" 

"So then you can stay home and watch her Giorno" Mista said 

"No Mista I can't We might be seeing the boss and I'm needed for support, as is Abbacchio and Fugo" Giorno explained 

"So that leaves me and Narancia huh?" Mista said as he looked at Narancia 

"Rock paper scissors?" Narancia Suggested 

"Sure" Mista said with a shrug 

They Rock paper Scissored against each other (A/N: Damn that sounds so wrong) And Mista ended up winning making Narancia have to stay here with the you.

Narancia groaned "But I don't know how to take care of a Kid! What if she chokes and dies!" He said

"I'll leave you a list of things that you both can do safety together and an emergency Number" Bruno said "You'll be Fine Narancia"

Narancia sighed "Alright...If you say so.."

A/N: Hey! I'm alive! And I'm Well, and I'm hoping that you are enjoying this story, I have some great Chapters Planned for this book and I have a few Waiting in line with a few more chapters coming soon.

But I also wanted to say thank you guys for reading this Book, I really do appreciate the support. I love you guys a lot and you mean ZA WARUDO  to me keep being awesome!

Self plug time!

Do you like Jojo?
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Do you like Semi-kind of Gay ships and funny Commentary?

Well do I have a thing for you!

A few friends of mine have gotten together and we are creating an JJBA Abridged series on Youtube!

I am a writer for it and If you are interested in Following us on this journey of Fun then Send me a Private message and I'll send you the Link to our Channel!

Anyway have a good day and I'll see you in the Next chapter!


"Does Anyone Know How To Take Care Of a Kid?" (JJBA x Child!Female! Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant