Chapter 16: I'm Scared..

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Your POV:

Looking at the figure, my eyes went wide and my grip tightened on Pucci. No! No! Not him again!

I burried my head in Pucci's chest and teared up

"What's Wrong Child? There is no need to Cry. My Lord won't hurt you" Pucci said as he gently pet my head

"No! He's evil and he's gonna hurt me!" I said crying

"Hurt you?" Pucci and Dio both said at the same time

"Child we are here to save you. Dio means no harm to you" Pucci explained again

"I can send you home today" Pucci said to emphazise his point

"You two are sending me home..?" I asked with a little sniffle

"Of course, with the Power of Dio we can send you home" Pucci said calmly "You just have to trust us Alright? Now you just stay here and I'll be right back" he said with a gentle smile as he pat me on the head then he got up and left the room leaving me alone with Dio.

I was still very uncomfortable being alone with Dio..I pulled my knees up to my chest and kept my eye contact away from him

"M-Mr. Dio? Where's Jolyne..When is she coming back?" I asked quietly

"No clue where she is. But she will return for you don't worry" Dio said as he Sat in a nearby chair and took out a book

It was a long and quiet forever sitting there and looking at the floor and holding my tummy, byt eventually Jolyne and Pucci entered the room again and I got up quickly and ran to Jolyne, hugging her around the legs

"JoJo! I-I wanna go home" I cried out and she leaned down and hugged me and picked me up

"It's okay (Y/N) We'll send you home soon but first Pucci and Dio have to prep some things for you first, so in the meantime We're gonna go have some fun okay?" She said with a smile

"Okay.." I said as I cuddled into her and held on. As Jolyne turned to walk away I waved to Dio and Pucci, saying goodbye knowing I would see them again.

As we left a doctor walked by and towards Pucci and Dio.

Pucci's POV:

Oh lord bless that child and save her from the sins of a man who wishes her ill.

When Jolyne brought her in she wasn't breathing. Moss and Mold had grown in her lungs blocking her airway..we had already called a doctor and prayed for the child and when the doctor arrived he did an emergency surgery of this little girl right in front of my eyes..

He removed it all and closed her back up, but the pain in her face and the terror running up and down her body was all I could see. She was scared..

When she woke up I was relieved although she was scared of me at first but I put her to ease quickly.

Talking to the doctor now I realize that we have to find an antidote before we can send her home or we risk killing her on her way back.

"So Gentleman? Any place we should start?" The doctor asked

"I suggest we keep a terribly close eye on her, and no offense to Jolyne but I think we should give her to Jonathan." I suggested

Dio scoffed "Why him? What is Ms. Prissy pants going to do?"

"My lord, Jonathan is thr original Joestar. He's been married and he had a Child, And before you killed him he was quite strong. If the Fiend comes back to take her life once and for all He can Protect her. And with his large mansion He will always have something for her to do" I rebuttled

"But what about the others? They are all expecting her to come visit them and spend time with them. What should we say?" Dio said

"Pull together a meeting. We need to speak woth everyone about this dilema." I said seriously.

For the sake of this child she needs to be protected.

Your POV:

Jolyne took me back home and the rest of the day I played with F.F and Jolyne. Ermes had to go out and get stuff for dinner so I didn't see her much.

Today was so strange. I was coughing a lot more and sniffling. Maybe I was getting sick. When the night came around I sat on the couch with F.F and Anasui, and later Weather joined us and we all watched 'Satchel Beasts'

Its based around this guys life and he catches these beasts and keeps them in his bag and he brings them out to fight against other Beasts and People. Weather said he watches this show with Jolyne and so I sat through it because I thought it would be cool.

After a while everyone was in the living room and we were just watching Satchel Beasts. Even Old Mr. Jotaro watched it with us for a while until it got Dark.

At around 8:00 I yawned and Weather took me up to bed, he Tucked me in with my bunny and my doll and then he pulled up a chair and sat close to the bed and he read a book using the light from the lamp on the nightstand.

I rolled over on my side facing him as I held my bunny and looked at him

"Mr. Weather..?" I asked softly

"Yes?" He responded

"Why am I so weak..?" I asked slightly scared

Weather looked up from his book at me, he gently closed it and moved closer to me gently setting a hand on my head. My guess was to try and show some sympathy

"You aren't weak (Y/N), Your body is just using up all its energy trying to fight something off which makes you feel weak." Weather explained to me

"What happened to me..? What am I fighting?" I asked tearing up slightly

I then softly whispered through tears

"A-Am I going to die..?"

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