Chapter 17: Quality over Quantity

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Weathers POV:

Fuck..How do I respond to that?

I don't know if she's going to die. I don't know if she'll live. Um..think of something. Just say something!

"Um..No Kiddo, you're not going to die."

Oh god. I just lied to a child.

"O-Okay..I trust you" she said softly before she laid back and closed her eyes, falling asleep.

I sighed softly and slowly stood up going back out to the living room with everyone and slumped onto the couch and held my head in my hands

I could feel everyones eyes on me.

"She asked if she was going to die."

All was quiet for a moment before Jolyne asked

"What did you say?"

"What do you think Jojo. I can't tell her that I don't know." I snapped back before going quiet

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap like that. She's asleep and I'll be in the back" I said before going to the back door and slipping into the back I sat on the porch and sighed.

Fuck man. What are we supposed to do..

Your POV

I had fallen asleep again..I was sleeping a lot more now, I was feeling a lot more sad lately..I just wanna see My Brother..bubs would know what to to make me smile and laugh..

I wanna go home...

I awoke from my slumber to See Jotaro slip into the room quietly, but still loud enough to wake me. With a quiet 'Shit..' under his breath as the door squeaked loudly I watched him slink into the room in his Snake skin stripper pants as my brother called them. His hat was missing and his Jacket was a little wrinkly.

"Mr. Kujo..?" I asked quietly as we made eye contact

"Don't call me that. You make me sound Old." Jotaro grumbled as he stuck his hands in his pockets and walked over to the bed and sat at the edge.

"You feeling okay?" Jotaro asked me

I simply nodded and sat up holding the blanket close to me.

Jotaro sighed softly "Look I'm not good at this but. I'm here to try and comfort you. So what do you need" he asked sternly, but still in an almost caring way.

"I don't need anything..I'm just a little homesick is don't need to stay Da-" I gasped and Caught myself. Covering my mouth

"I-I'm sorry..Its just my natural response to say dad used to ask that question but I knew he really didn't care. I'm sorry I said that" I apologized to Jotaro.

"Its fine. Don't say sorry." Jotaro replied

"Mr. Jotaro..? Do you ever miss people in your life..? Wish they were here with you?" I asked him

Jotaro sighed "I'm gonna tell you a secret Kid. Listen up. Missing people is a normal human function, and when people pass away or move on its sad to see them go. You get scared they'll forget you, or they left because they hate you, Or you wonder if they are even still out there thinking of you when you think of them. But those questions just scare you into trying to forget them yourself...It doesn't matter who you miss or how many people you miss, its the Quality of life you had with them that is important. Because you can never miss someone when you're surrounded by the Love and warm feelings they brought you. The time you shared with them, The late night talks, the long distance phone calls, The Trips, the Letters, The hugs, the kisses, everything. You could have a million friends, but the only people that will stick out are the people who left a mark on your heart." Jotaro said as he reached into his Coat pocket and pulled out a photo

It was the picture from egypt.

He handed it to me. "I miss them. But their memories remind me I'm not alone anymore. So I don't need to wish for them back because I know they are in a better place now. Happy and without a care. I now have new people who I need to take care of and make an impression on, because Quality is better than Quantity. Does that make sense?" Jotaro asked

Nodding again I sigh and look at him

"You're so Wise and Smart Mr. Jotaro..I wish I could think like you" I said

"No you don't. You're a smart, Young, and charming kid. You don't need to be old and wise yet." Jotaro commented

I giggled softly and smiled at Jotaro

Jotaro gave a small and gentle smile back

"Come on now. Lets get you some food. You must be hungry after sleeping so long" Jotaro said as he pulled back the covers and picked me up and gave me a piggy back ride down the stairs and and into the kitchen. Where FF was standing over a pot of boiling water, trying to drink it.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked as Jotaro set me down

"Jonathan's masion to let him know what happened so we can help you and get you home." Jotaro said as he walked over and turned off the heat on the stove and moved FF Away from the pot on the stove.

"Jonathan is going to be looking after you for a while since he seems most suitable to take care of you. Although only joseph has ever raised kids. All the main part Jojo's will be staying there as well for extra protection from that Fucking Mold bastard" Jotaro Grumbled as he grabbed an apple and a knife and began to cut some apple slices.

"Oh. Alright.." I said as I sat in my chair and kicked my feet back and forth. I guess this means I'm spending the rest of the day with Jotaro.

That doesn't seem so bad

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