Killing Thanos But With A Price | T h i r t y - N i n e

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I'd like to say in advance that I'm sorry... okay at least I apologised and you're gonna wanna kill me after you read this...

It's the only way I could get past my writers block...



Elijah's PoV-

I awake in a cold sweat yet again, well that was one horrible nightmare. There was this weird looking guy, he looked like a purple grape to be honest. He had this gauntlet sorta thing with a bunch of stones, I saw flashes of everyone dying, the avengers and the Dameron Gods.

It was horrific, gods I hope this isn't that freaky dream thing I get where I predict the future. I can convince myself it isn't but I know in my heart that it's true. Alight all I have to do is find this purple grape and kill him before he kills my family.

Suddenly the fates appear in my room and I glare at them, I mean rude much?

"Kill the evil Titan that is Thanos and the misery everyone will feel won't come, be willing to sacrifice more than you bargain for" they say in unison and then just disappear.

Suddenly my phone rings and I answer it once seeing that it's Kara.

"Did you have the dream with that purple dude?" She asks.

"Yeah, we need to kill him, tell the team to meet up at camp" I say.

"Sure thing, might have trouble getting Jace, I think he got kidnapped again" she says and I chuckle slightly.

"Yeah well it's not like he won't get out of it" I sigh.

"Yup, anyway see ya at camp" she says.

"K c'ya" I say and hang up.

I quickly get dressed into my combat attire, black cargo pants, black lace up boots, black long sleeve sweater over a black T-shirt, black fingerless gloves, black bulletproof vest and many guns and other weapons strapped to my body. Yeah everything is black, but what do you expect from me?

Knowing I can't just leave without telling the super squad, that's what I've dubbed them now, I leave the room and go into the kitchen where everyone is.

"Holy shit kid, you look like you're about to go shoot up a school" Tony scoffs and everyone looks at him in shock.

"Tony! You can't say that!" Pepper scolds him, low-key forgot about her, she was on a business trip.

"Well I just thought I'd let you know I'm gonna be away for a while" I say grabbing a protein bar from the cupboard.

"What do you mean away?" Natasha asks with furrowed brows.

"I have a stealth mission, it could take a while, but it'll be worth it in the end" I explain and they all erupt into questions and protests.

I give my loudest taxi whistle and they all shut up immediately.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine" I reassure them.

"How long will this mission of your take?" Clint asks.

"I could be a few day, or weeks, maybe even months" I say and they look wide eyed.

"Look you guys have to understand that this is important, if I don't do this lots of people will die" I say before they can say anything.

"What do you mean, if it's as bad as you say, let us help" Tony says.

"I can't do that, the fates are giving me a favour, if you guys come you'd be ruining everything" I say with a stoic expression.

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