Outing Stucky | T w e n t y - N i n e

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It's been two months since I've moved in with Tony, ever since last month when I apparently poisoned Peter's brain, me and him now annoy Tony every day. It's hilarious. Tony isn't actually that bad, I never really hated him, I just hated the fact that he's related to my father. I guess I was scared that he'd be like him so I pushed him away, but he's not my father. He's way better than my father and at the end of the day he's the only family I have left.

I awake to my phone ringing I look to see who it is, I groan when I see it's Wade but answer it nonetheless.

"What?" I ask groggily.

"Your morning voice is so darn cute!" He exclaims.

"Shut the fuck up and tell me why you called me at 4 in the morning?" I groan.

"I'm bored" he whines.

"You can hang out at the tower later, just sleep for now" I says.

"Yay! Bye, I'll be there at 10!" He cheers and I hang up.

I take a shower, get dressed and whatnot, then just scroll through the multiple notifications on my phone.

My video has freaking 22 million views! I look through some of the comments.

I came to one comment which was pretty fucked up, it said;

You should fucking kill yourself, no one would care lol! You're actually so worthless!

I roll my eyes and start to write my reply to it by saying;

Look man I don't know what urged you to say that, maybe you're going through some things but that could seriously affect someone, they may only be words but they cut deep. I get it you're angry, maybe not necessarily at me and sure it's okay to be angry but telling someone to kill themselves isn't. I'm stronger than this, you're words have no effect on my decisions so maybe you should keep them to yourself and work some things out.

I post it, damn people are really fucked up these days. Though the fact that his comment has many dislikes and replies makes me smirk.

I see other comment saying things like;

- Holy shit that's Tony Stark's nephew!

- Hey isn't that the guy who saved those people from a burning building?

- Omg he goes to my school! He's really fucking good at theatre!

I read through more, some were really fucking depressing saying how much they relate.

There were sooooo many comments asking me if I'm Tony Starks nephew and if I live at avengers tower.

I decide to make a video so I get my camera and start recording.

"Okay first off let me start this by saying, thank you! I have no idea how my video got so many views" I say with a slight smile.

"So the reason for me making this video is to 1. Thank y'all, done, and 2. Answer some of your questions that I've read in the comments" I say.

"And the most asked question is probably if I'm Tony Stark's nephew, well the answer is yeah, he's my uncle and yes I do live in the avengers tower, I moved here with Tony when my grandfather died" I say nodding.

"In fact I think Capsicle is awake right now, he gets up at like 5am, don't ask why I'm up this early cause I have no idea why" I say standing up with my camera and walking out my room.

"So I'm gonna sneak up on Ol' Man Frisbee, he's normally really jumpy in the mornings" I say keeping my voice down.

I walk past the living room and into the kitchen where the man himself was pouring coffee.

I turn the camera on him, "well if it isn't the man with the giant metal frisbee!" I exclaim in a German accent and he jumps up dropping his coffee mug but catching it with his quick reflexes.

"It's Captain America kid" he says with a sigh.

"Ze man with ze giant metal frisbee" I say with the same accent and he rolls his eyes and chuckles slightly.

"He loves me" I say with a smirk into the camera, a hint of irony in my voice.

"I hate him" cap says jokingly and I chuckle.

"Hey is that one of those video things?" He ask and I snicker.

"It's called a camera Steve, and I am so posting this on YouTube" I say with a smirk while he just looked confused.

"YouTube?" He questions and I snort.

"It's an app and it's also how I got this video" I say showing him a video on my phone.

"It's weird how accurate a few of them are, especially that one where you and Buc-" I was saying when Steve cut me off.

"Okay! That's enough!" He exclaims over me and I smirk at the camera.

"All you Stucky shippers out there oughta know that, that shit is happening, it ain't just a fantasy" I say into the camera, Steve makes a move to take it but I run away back down the hall to my room.

When I get to my room I lock the door behind me saying a quick outta still laughing. I get to editing the video, ignoring the banging on my door from Steve.

"Sorry Steve it was live" I lie, though very believable, I love my ability to lie so well don't you.

He groans and walks away and I snicker to myself as I edit my video.

After editing and uploading my video I realise that I'll be late. I quickly throw on a hoodie and beanie.

Don't question the glasses, it's not because I think it actually looks cool like some people *cough* Tony *cough* it's because last time I went in outside, people actually recognised me, like a lot of people

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Don't question the glasses, it's not because I think it actually looks cool like some people *cough* Tony *cough* it's because last time I went in outside, people actually recognised me, like a lot of people.

I walk past the kitchen again where Steve is, all in his lonesome and make my way to the elevator.

"Where you going?" He asks curiously as he flips a pancake happily.

"I dunno I'm bored so ima just walk around New York, I do it a lot" I shrug and walk into the elevator.


What up broskies, this is a new chapter. You knew that. I don't know why I'm still writing.




Okie Byeeeeee

Word Count: 1050

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