Hacking HYDRA | T w e n t y - T h r e e

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As I'm walking home from the hospice it starts to rain, I smile, I love the rain.

I walk slowly enjoying the rain, I probably look like a weirdo just smiling.

I see a boy shivering as he walks slowly, his arms are bare so it's no surprise he's cold.

"Hey kid, take this" I say taking off my jacket and putting it around him, he's only about 8 years old.

"Th-thank you" he stutters and I smile at him.

"No problem where are you heading?" I ask crouching down to his height.

"H-home I forgot money for the subway" he shivers.

"Here's what I'm gonna do, we're gonna go into that cafe right there and I'll get you a cab, it's way too cold to be walking home" I say and he smiles gratefully nodding.

We walk into the cafe and I order him a hot chocolate, making sure to get it in a to go cup.

We sit by the window and I call a cab as he sips on the hot chocolate.

"I'm Elijah" I say.

"Theo" he says and I smile.

"I ordered an uber so it should be here any minute, it's already wired to my account so just tell the driver where you wanna go" I say and he smiles gratefully.

"Thank you" he says and I get a notification saying the Uber is here.

I walk him out and wave him off letting him keep the jacket.

I walk home my shirt drenched in water as I arrive at the tower.

I ride up the elevator and sigh, the doors open and I step out, heads look up at me from the couch.

"Hey where's your jacket?" Nat asks me.

"I gave it to a kid on my way home" I shrug and walk into the kitchen to get something quick to eat, I pick up an apple and walk back into the living room.

"Why'd you give a kid your jacket?" Tony scoffs and I roll my eyes.

"He was cold so I gave him my jacket" I shrug biting into my apple.

"That's it? You saw a kid who was cold and you gave him your jacket?" Tony asks though I can tell he's just feigning confusion.

"Well I also bought him hot chocolate and ordered an Uber ride to his home which is on the other side of New York" I reply with a shrug.

"Why?" Tony asks and everyone there rolls their eyes.

"It's raining and really cold outside, he could've caught hypothermia or something" I say he just smirks jokingly.

"Guys I'm kidding I'm not actually confused at why he helped a freezing kid, jeez I'm not some cold hearted demon" he scoffs and I walk past them and run up the stairs to my room.

I toss my guitar case on my bed and change out of my wet clothes.

I walk back out and into the elevator pressing the same random button I did yesterday. If I'm being honest I'd be surprised if they got the equation right, the answer is pretty long.

The elevator dings and I step out, people looking at the equation with furrowed brows, scribbling onto their notebooks trying to find the answer.

"I see you haven't figured it out yet" I say and they turn to me, even more in awe than yesterday.

"Wait you created this?" A woman who I didn't see yesterday asks me in amazement and I nod.

"It's brilliant" a man says.

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