Memories | T h i r t y - S e v e n

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I was casually watching vines on my phone, I'm not high anymore, so that sucks, anyway as I was watching them, a thought came to me.

"Can I fit in a washing machine?" I ask voicing my thoughts, everyone in the living room where we are sitting, looks at me like I'm crazy.

Peter, knowing what I'm about to do, pulls out his phone and starts recording me.

I walk past the kitchen and into the laundry room saying, "I am disgusted, I am revolted, I dedicated my whole life to our lord and saviour Jesus Christ and this is the thanks I get?" I say whilst climbing in the washing machine.

"How the fuck do you fit in there" Tony asks with wide eyes.

"I can't get out" I say whilst trying to pull myself out but to no avail.

"Fuck I can't get out!" I exclaim, everyone hearing me yelling comes to see what's happening.

Everyone just laughs while I have a fucking panic attack!

Peter tries to help me out but I'm still stuck so it's no use.

"I guess I'm stuck here for the rest of my life" I say dramatically.

Steve and Peter try to break the washing machine with their super strength.

"Oh don't bother, it's made out of vibranium" Tony waves them off and we look at him like what the fuck.

"Why the fuck do you need a washing machine made out of vibranium?!" I exclaim and he just shrug.

"If only you were smaller" Scott says and my face breaks out into a wide grin.

"Scott you're a fucking genius!" I exclaims and everyone frowns.

"Huh?" Was Clint's intelligent response.

"I can use my super cool godly powers to de-age myself a few years younger!" I say, and without waiting for a response, I de-age myself a couple years.

I climb out easily but notice I'm significantly smaller than I intended.

"Aww you're so cute!" Wanda squeals, cooing over me.

"This was not supposed to happen" I grumble and they all coo over me.

"What age am I?" I ask them, Tony gives me a mirror and I look at my 4 year old self.

"I am adorable" I say with a smirk.

"Why do you have so many bruises?" Nat asks with a frown.

"I still lived with my dad at this age, you're seeing what I looked like exactly on December 12th 12 years ago" I shrug.

"That doesn't answer my question" she says.

"He went to jail for murdering his children, did you think he was some perfect dad?" I scoff, they look at me with slight shock, and a hint of anger.

"H-he done that to you?" She asks with wide eyes.

She just hugs my small frame as well as a few others.

"I'm confused, why are you hugging me?" I ask in genuine confusedly.

"Because you're so young and no child should have to go through that" Wanda says.

"Oh it's fine, I grew up with it, I'm used to it" I say reassuringly but they just look more sad.

I eventually change back to my 14 year old self, I stretch my sore muscles, the others still give me pitiful stares.

"Okay you're telling us the story of Elijah Black" Tony says crossing his arms.

"I can portray my memories on a wall or something, like a projector" I shrug and they all nod eagerly.

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