He's a Ninja | F o u r t e e n

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Jace was questioned for a little while, he's not a threat, I could've told them that but no they just had to waste 45 minutes of our time. 

Jace and Capsicle talked for a while, basically just about how weird this generation is. Complaining about random things like the internet.

"Well I gotta go, Wade bought more chimichangas!" Jace says with a grin and runs out.

"That's one weird kid" Scott says, I found out his name yay!

"Actually he's older than all of you, well not you Cap, ain't no one older than you" I smirk.

"Are you just gonna make old man jokes about Cap?" Sam asks, I grin and nod.

"Yup" I say and he smirk.

"Don't you have some lines to rehearse, oh yeah because you're gonna be running around a stage breaking into song every few minutes" Capsicle retorts and I chuckle.

"Wow, I didn't think you had it in you" I say with a smirk.

"Neither did I" Sam says.

"I'm gonna order pizza, maybe some shawarma" Tony says leaving the room with his phone.

"Hey Sam, how do you feel about a little prank war?" I ask him with a smirk.

"Hell yeah" he grins.

"We need to choose who's on our team, then make Capsicle and Tin Cans lives a nightmare" I say with a mischievous glint in my eyes.

"Hey Barton how bout we form a truce, I'll never threaten to throw you out the window or whatever ever again so we can prank Ol' man frisbee and Metal Man" I say to Barton, he grins and nods.

"Deal" he says and we shake on it.

"Scott, Pietro, prank wars, you in our team?" Barton asks Scott and Pietro, who grin and nod.

"This is gonna be awesome!" Scott whisper yells in excitement.

"What's the plan?" Pietro asks with a mischievous grin as he rubs his hands together.

"We start small and build our way up, you know like moving Tony's toolbox when he's in his workshop, or just putting things where they aren't supposed to be" I say with a smirk they all nod with grins.

"Ooh we can take their stuff and put them in each other's rooms so they blame one another" Scott says and I nod.

"I can get some friends to prank call them a lot but we have to be in the same vicinity so he doesn't suspect us" I say and Pietro practically bounces up and done in excitement.

"We can put permanent hair dye in their shampoo, and we'll give them their favourite colour because we're not that mean" Clint says and we all have smirks on our faces.

"I'll hack into FRIDAY when we're doing the pranks so when Tony checks the surveillance we'll just be in our rooms" I say.

"You can do that?" Scott asks confused I grin and nod.

"I can also give you all a higher access than Tony himself so that if he suspects something he can't ask FRIDAY to undo what I've done" I say.

"Awesome!" Clint exclaims maybe a little too loudly.

"What's awesome?" Tony asks.

"Wouldn't you like to know weather boi" I retort with a smirk, T'Challa groans whilst Pietro grins.

"I love Vine!" Pietro exclaims.

"I already get enough of that from my sister" T'Challa grumbles.

"Anyway pizza's here" Tony shrugs putting 10 boxes of pizza on the coffee table, like rabid animals Sam, Clint, Pietro, Scott, Rhodes and Thor leapt to the table, fighting each other off.

Bruce sighed and left with Tony who already had a box, Cap just looked at them in disappointment.

Natasha and Wanda mutter something about boys, I teleport to the pizza taking two boxes unnoticed whilst everyone else fought.

I went to Natasha and Wanda who were sitting in the corner of the room and placed the pizza in front of us, sitting across from them.

"No cold pizza tonight" I say with a grin, "I didn't think it was possible to get through that" Natasha smirks looking at the guys who were still fighting.

"They didn't even notice me" I shrug as we dig in.

"How did you get through that?" Red Cape aka Doctor Strange asks us with a slight smirk.

"He's a ninja" Wanda says motioning at me.

"Watch and learn" I say getting up and walking towards the havoc, I sneak past them effortlessly tapping on Clint's should as well as Scott's so they face each other, then take another two boxes, again unnoticed. I flip over Sam who's got Pietro in a headlock and make my way back to the corner.

"See he's a ninja" Wanda says I smirk and pass Red Cape the pizza, which catches the attention of Capsicle.

"How did you get past all of them?" He asks in amusement.

"The Ninja got it for us" Natasha says whilst eating some pizza.

We all eat the pizza watching the idiots fight in amusement.

"Do you think I should just knock all of them out so none of them get pizza?" I ask with a smirk.

"Like what you did to those federal agents?" Cap asks and I nod.

"Yup" I say and he shrugs.

"I don't really care, anything to stop this" he scoffs.

"What did you do to federal agents?" Wanda asks and I grin.

"I'll show you" I say mischievously, I get up and walk up to them.

I hit Sam on the back of the head knocking him out, Scott goes to punch me but I take his hand and judo flip him into his back, then my elbow comes in contact with his face, just after I say "nighty night" I knock both Clint and Rhodes out, who were fighting each other, by banging their heads together, but of course I do all this without them even seeing me.

I swerve my leg under Pietro's feet, he looses his balance and falls to the floor groaning, I punch him in the temple and he goes beddy byes. I turn to Thor, we glare one another in the eyes, in a swift move I steal his hammer and knock him out with it.

"You just knocked out a god!" Wanda exclaims in shock I sit down and eat a bit of pizza.

"It's not that hard, especially with this hammer, it's pretty handy" I say flipping the weapon in my hand.

"What the fuck?!" A voice exclaims, we turn to see Tony "Elijah, I've told you about this, you can't knock people out, you resolve the situation using words" he says and I smirk.

"I did use words, I said nighty night just before I knocked them out" I retort and he rolls his eyes sighing and walks back out.

"If they ask who did this to them say it was Nick Fury because he really wanted pizza" I say with a smirk and walk out to my room, hearing their chuckles.


New chapter! Yay!

Comment more! I like reading y'all's comments!

Oh and also congratulations to Biden! Trump can die... well maybe not die but you know what I mean.

Word Count: 1180

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