Mr. Angel | N i n e t e e n

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I was casually scrolling through the dark web on my computer, I say casually because it's something I do often. I mean who said that? Not me, I'm a good child...

Anyway as I was hypothetically scrolling through the dark web... okay fine I was on the dark web, sue me. So I found something that made me sick to the stomach, children, young children, for sale.

I start typing furiously, digging into it, I find where the kids are being held, they look so scared in the photos. I clench my fists tightly, my nails digging into my palms causing blood to trickle into the desk.

I get up with a fire in my eyes, I'm gonna find these kids, these innocent kids, I'm gonna get them away from the vile people who have taken them. I'm gonna make whoever did this to them suffer, they'll pay.

I pick up my phone and call Jace, "I need guns and hell of a lotta ammo" I say as soon as he picks up.

"Okie dokie" he says.

"Great where are you?" I ask.

"(Insert name of New York street)" he says.

"I'll be there in a minute" I say and hang up.

I put away the laptop, and quickly put on my shoes, I then teleport to the street he said he was at.

"Jace" I say walking up to him.

"Come on" he says and we walk down the street to a bar and walk in.

"Hey, you got new stock in?" He asks the bartender.

"Of course JC, only the best, come on outback" the guy says and leads us to a storage room with a few crates.

"Watcha lookin' for?" He asks.

"Nothing too big, a couple of Beretta M9s, an AK-47, an uzi, and throw in a few hand grenades why don't ya?" Jace says with a smirk.

"And a couple glock 26s would be appreciated" I add with a smirk.

The man opens a couple crates, getting everything needed, Jace loads them all and whatnot and packs them away in a large case.

"If it's for what it usually is then it's on the house" The man says and we walk out saying out thanks.

Once we're out he hands me the case, I thank him and we go our separate ways.

I teleport to the address of where the kids are being held captive, I set up outside on a rooftop directly in front of the apartment.

With binoculars I peer inside the window, I put them down and set up the sniper, I look through the scope getting a perfect aim on a body guard. I shoot him in both legs then do the same to a few others, I shoot as many people as I can from a distance.

I pick up the two handguns and put then in each holster, along with a few grenades, the UZI hanging over my shoulder. I then jump from the roof top and hang onto the fire escape pulling myself up. I jump through the window, and shoot a few people.

Okay before you freak out and go like 'Elijah you can't kill people it's wrong!' Well it's not real bullets just tranquil darts. Haha you thought I'd kill them! Well I probably would but I'm better than that, they'll be getting a hell of a lotta suffering in prison.

I kick down the locked door and what I see makes me wanna go back there and rip them limb from limb.

Huddled together are at least, six little kids, I kneel down in front of them, "hey it's okay, I'm here to help you" I say at the sniffling and crying children.

"You're safe now, I won't let anyone get you" I say, a girl only about 6 jumps up and hugs me crying into my shoulder.

"Okay I'm gonna call the police now, but I'll have to go just before they get here, don't worry, it's all gonna be fine" I say in a hushed voice.

I call 911 sure to have the voice modifier on, I explain the situation and they say they'll be here ASAP.

I soothe them and reassure them that they're okay now, I learn all their names, the girl who hugged me is Laurel, there's also, Aleisha, Amber, Thomas, Raphael and Rory. After they've calmed down I hear sirens in the distance.

"Okay I'm gonna go now, when the police officers get here, you tell them everything that happened, so that when the mean people who took you can go to jail" I say they all nod and hug me.

"Thank you Mr. Angel" Laurel says with a faint smile, I smile back at her finding the nickname both amusing and adorable.

"Okay bye-bye" I say and climb out the window, I teleport to the rooftop with the case of guns and repack it.

I see the officers walk out the building with the kids in their arms, I smile.

No child should have to endure that, the men that did this to them are vile and deserve all the pain in the world.

I teleport back to Jace, where he's eating chimichangas with Wade, I hand him the case that has some blood on it.

"Thanks" I grin, he snorts at the blood.

"Who'd you kill?" He scoffs in amusement.

"I didn't kill anyone just... hurt them... like a lot" I say and he smirks.

"Anyway thanks, I should probably head home" I say and we say our goodbyes, Wade giving me praises on shattering the guy's kneecaps. When I ask him how he knew about that he just shrugged and said 'the author told me'. That's one weird dude, but he's my weird dude, ha! Bet you didn't see that coming!

Anywho, me being too exhausted to teleport, I just walk back home.

As I'm walking back out the elevator everyone turns to me, suspicion creeping on each of their faces.

"Where were you?" Tony ask with a raised brow, I shrug casually.

"Around" I say.

"Wait how'd we not realise you were gone?" Clint frowns.

"I'm a ninja" I smirk and walk up the stairs to my room.


Wow I'm so sorry this took so long, I just had a shit tone of homework and I've been having headaches a lot lately 😅😅

Word Count; 1050

Avengers plus oneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora