Be Careful Of What You Say Around An Asgardian | T w o

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They arrived at Tony's tower after stopping by Elijah's house to get a few things, though the room Elijah was given is much bigger that anything he's ever seen even bigger that his whole house. Elijah was tired and so he lay back on the huge bed and just like that he was sound asleep, trapped in his haunting nightmares of flashbacks he can't forget.

He awoke to the bright sun gleaming in through the vast window. Elijah walked out the room and down a flight of stairs to a living room even bigger than his room, there was a beautiful grand piano he sat at it and placed his hands at the keys and began to play Clair de Lune by Debussy as Tony walked in although Elijah did not seem to notice, he finished off the piece perfectly "god, you guys are like a bunch of Ruth Gordons just standing there with tannis roots, make a noise" Elijah said as he turned around to see Tony standing there along with Pepper Potts, Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers and Clint Barton, (Natasha is on a job for Fury, but will be in the story, don't worry!) the whereabouts of Thor a mystery, "Rosemary's baby" Steve said smiling as though he accomplished something great "this is my nephew, Elijah, the one I didn't know I had" Tony said "I already feel sorry for him, given that he's related to you" Clint said smirking slightly "Elijah, you're arm okay today?" Tony asked as he poured himself a drink "my arm?" Elijah said confused "right, I forgot about that" he continued, Bruce looked at Elijah's arm realising the dry blood "you see Elijah got himself shot, walking home" Tony said "it was a graze jeez, why do you care" Elijah said quite annoyed "so let me get this straight, this child was shot and you didn't think to bring him to a hospital" Bruce said shocked "he said he was fine" Tony said as he took a drink "that's because I am" Elijah said annoyed "I don't think anyone is fine after they've been shot even if it is just a graze" Bruce replied "what do you want me the say, that I'm suffering from extreme blood loss and I'm in dire need of medical attention and that if I don't get it, I might just drop dead" Elijah said sarcastically "sarcasms not good look on you" Tony said though it was no where near the truth "nunc occidere me" Elijah muttered under his breath saying 'kill me now' in Latin "what was that?" Bruce asked confused "he randomly speaks another language and I'm guessing what he says isn't very nice" Tony said.

"spero te mori" Elijah said to Tony as Thor walked in "how dare you wish death upon my friend" he said "why what did he say?" Tony asked eagerly "he said he hopes you die" Thor replied "nolo mortem populus" Elijah said smirking as Thor's face went blank "how dare you" Thor said walking closer to Elijah "you have dishonoured me and my people and for that you must pay" Thor said firmly as he swung his hammer at Elijah who immediately held up his arm, the hammer hit Elijah's arm a blinding light filling the room as they clashed Elijah's eyes glowed a luminous blue though the others didn't notice as the light forced them to close their eyes but Thor's eyes were wide open and they met with Elijah's, the light was gone in the blink of an eye "okay maybe I went too far there" Elijah said as Thor looked at him in shock.

"how do stand here not hurt?" Thor asked confused.

"guess you didn't hit me hard enough, though my arm is kinda fucked" Elijah said looking at his arm the flesh all ripped though his bones perfectly in tact "how are you not screaming in pain?!" Bruce exclaimed as he examined Elijah's arm "fuck knows" Elijah said "I am truly sorry, I should not be worthy of this hammer" Thor said in shame after realising what he had done "qui est it deprecarentur" Elijah said apologising to Thor "well that just happened" Clint said in shock as Bruce took Elijah to see too his arm.

"hey Thor was that supposed to happen?" Steve asked though knowing pretty darn well that it was not "he should've died and I thank the gods he didn't" Thor said still feeling guilty of what he had done "friend, I can't even begin to say how sorry I am I could of killed him" Thor said to Tony "what matters is that he's okay now all we have to do is figure out how" Tony said walking out the room and into the examination room where Bruce was stitching up Elijah.

"Is he okay?" Tony asked Bruce "he'll be fine it's not as bad as it looks but it doesn't explain how he's okay" Bruce said confused "what do you mean?" Tony asked curiously "well the bones in his arms should of shattered and the fact that he was strong enough to prevent the hammer from hitting his head beats me" Bruce said with fascination, for the first time in a long time Elijah was silent and Tony picked up on that "Elijah you seem quiet, maybe you could shed some light on this mystery" Tony said looking at his nephew, "I don't know, I'm just as surprised as you are" Elijah lied though very believably "huh" Tony said looking at Elijah as though he actually believed him and then left "hey where'd you get the scar?" Bruce asked curiously noticing a part of a large scar on his neck as he finished stitching the wound and started to bandage it "oh I dunno" Elijah said though knowing perfectly fine where it had come from, he had many scars from many people and he preferred not to talk about them but that specific scar was inflicted by a friend of his father's well more of an enemy than a friend but when it came to his father Elijah didn't seem to know what the difference was. "Well you're gonna have another one so it seems" Bruce said as he finished bandaging up Elijah arm "so uh what exactly did you say to Thor?" Bruce asked, curious to know how Elijah got under his skin like that "well I may or may not of wished death upon his people" Elijah shrugged with a faint devious smile "I'll make a mental note, not to do that" Bruce said smirking quite faintly "I think you'd benefit from that" Elijah replied, "well it seems to be you're okay, and well Thor's probably feeling terrible right now" Bruce said "right I should probably talk to him" Elijah said standing up.

He walked into the living room where everyone was, Thor immediately stood up, his lips parted as though to say something but he then realised that the words he was looking were not there "you don't have to say anything, I was a dick, again, and you lost you're cool, it happens, even to the best of us" Elijah said shrugging though feeling guilty even more so when he saw the look on Thor's face "are you sure, you forgive me for the ratchet thing I so carelessly done?" Thor said hopefully "of course mistakes happen and it really wasn't your fault" Elijah replied shrugging as though it were nothing and to Elijah it was nothing, Thor pulled a faint smile though you could still see the guilt that was plastered over his face "I am eternally grateful for your forgiveness" Thor said.

"What exactly did you say?" Tony asked pouring himself yet another drink "I might of told him that I hoped his people will, well die, in Latin" Elijah said "harsh" Steve said "yeah" Elijah replied "and how exactly do you know Latin?" Tony asked as he finished his drink "well I know a lot of languages, and Latin just happens to one of them" Elijah shrugged as Bruce walked back in "like?" Tony asked "French, Spanish, German, Russian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Arabic, Greek, Latin, of course, and English and I know quite a few dead languages" Elijah said all in one breath, though it sounded like he was getting tired of listing them "أنا أعرف العربية" Bruce said saying that he happens to know Arabic "ممتاز" Elijah replied saying 'excellent'. "Why would you choose to learn random languages?" Tony scoffed "boredom mostly and well uh, my mother knew a lot of languages" Elijah replied "but she's dead so what's the point" Tony blurred out "Tony?!" Pepper said angrily nudging him "no it's alright I guess it's a valid question, and I don't know why" Elijah replied shrugging his shoulders.

The rest of the day was very awkward, Tony was eager to know how Elijah was not killed by Thor and so was everyone else. The strange thing was, Thor was quiet, he had barely said a word he just looked at Elijah intensely from time to time. It almost made Elijah think he knew something. he knew their eyes met when he shielded himself from Thor's hammer but surely he didn't think that the spark in Elijah's eyes were anything more than the fluorescence, did he?


Okay here you have it, another chapter! Thor is kinda figuring out who exactly he is which you'll find out soon!

(Btw no ones even read my story yet so this is really sad)

Word Count: 1567

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