Chapter 21

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And.... I am back for one time and one time only as I am in second semester, some how I managed to find time to write this, I do hope you enjoy, and thank you for all the votes and comments! ~Cassie



Kayla sat across from me, the book she yanked from my hands was now in her lap, It looked like she wanted to flee. She slowly placed the book into her bag, refusing to create eye contact with me. Leon had hurt her. Embarrassed her. To my own accord, I could do nothing, I was defenceless as if I tried, I would have terrible consequences. 

Why was Leon so cruel, especially now with new friends influencing him? Growing up he was not like this. He was the funny one, the free spirit, but now he was nothing but a worthless coward. Inhuman beast. A true snake. Cecelia was not cruel, of course she was mean, but not in the sense of trying to injure a person. But that of course had changed, altered by the force of trying to prove yourself to worthless people.

Kayla stood up. She already had all of her books in her arms and bag, she bit her lip as if she were holding back words before moving to leave. 

"Kayla-" I stood, she could not be alone. 

"Alec, don't." Kayla responded softly and shook her head, a few students turning around to watch. Ridiculous, I whipped to them and glared. 

"I am coming with you," I spoke calmly but firmly. I didn't trust her alone. 

Kayla nodded, I stood and began to follow her out of the library.

 Kayla was quiet, her movements were cautious as she walked. I almost tripped over her three times and within minutes we were in one of the outside hallways, she picked a ledge and set down her books, opening her muggle studies book. She stared into it. Her eyes unmoving, and as it was upside down, it was obvious she was trying to keep herself hidden. 

This went on for five minutes, I twirled my wand in my hand, tracing its grooves and intricate patterns, leaving the uncomfortable silence to settle between us. 

"Do you know where they learned that rhyme?" Kayla spoke, catching me off guard. 

Rhyme? What rhyme? My wand made its way back into my pocket.

"Blank and blank... sitting in a tree..." Kayla had continued, her gazed still focused on the upside down book, "Its a muggle nursery rhyme."

Oh right. 

"I do not know, Kayla." She winced at her name, "I think they were just teasing. They may have heard it from some younger students, I know for sure they did not learn it at home."

Kayla nodded, then frowned, "My book is upside down." She turned it right side up, stared for half a second and closed it, setting it aside. There was a hushed moment before she turned to me and refused to meet my eyes as if she was forbidden.

"Alec, I want to be your friend," Kayla spoke, "but,"

Oh no, not a 'but'. That is never good.

"If your friends or whom ever they are supposed to be now keep tormenting me and you," Kayla continued, "I will be forced to only speak to you in class." Kayla raised her head to meet my eyes. Her expression was soft, but obvious her eyes were filled with sorrow, "Alec, I cannot have another yesterday, the day before, today--every single day! It's impactful, sinful, it hurts! I already have a friend in the hospital, St. Mungo's hospital, and we both know the chances of her leaving are slim to none." 

Kayla stood, her arms out stretched. 

"Alec, when I first learned of Hogwarts in my first initial view at magic, that I was someone who belonged here, I was fascinated at the endless possibilities! I made friends, I wasn't the freak for once and I found a place to fit in, to be me, to be a Hufflepuff!" She took a deep breath in, her eyes burned into mine with pride and excitement, "But, after the last few days..." She continued, her eyes growing sad, "no last month, the last month of all I am deeply sorrowed and hurt by the events that have played out. Secrets were kept from me, the boys had to withhold the downfall of our friend simply because of my blood status, Rowan and Malcolm are my closest friends, and I am deeply hurt by them, I have cried countless nights searching for her, but I must be apologetic because they too because..."

Kayla suddenly reached out and grabbed my hand, kneeling, staring into my eyes as if she was a dementor sucking my soul. 

What the hell is she doing?

"...because, Alec, I am here to learn, to grow, I do not want to be bullied all my life, I have had enough. I want to be your friend, but if and only if I do not get tormented for being who I am around you, and you vice versa, for being associated with a... Proud Hufflepuff, a mudblood who isn't afraid of the possibilities. Alec, I want to be your friend, so dearly. Like I am to Rowan and Malcolm. I want to hang out with you, but if it is to be like today and the days that had approached, then what is the point?" 

Kayla's eyes filled with sadness before looking to her hand, she looked back up to me with a shocked expression and ripped her hand from mine as I had encased it in mine upon instinct. She looked like she wanted to run, but she sat on the window sill beside me once again. She took a breath and spoke. 

"Clarity was my rock," her voice shook, "The boldest Ravenclaw I had ever met. She was my shoulder to cry on, like Rowan is a defender of friends, and Malcolm is a pal and supporter to any, you should know this by now. Alec, Clarity was a wonderful human being who made the world a happier place, she lit it up with colour, and now that colour is gone and I see in grey pooled with tears. Every night I wake up crying for her, my dorm mates have to soothe me countless times through the night as every dream is littered with her. I have not gotten much sleep since I found out on the train." 

I released a breath I had been holding. I see the spear has been pierced deep into an endless wound. 

Without thinking I put a hand on her shoulder, pulling her into a hug. This surprised her. 

"Alec-" Kayla whispered.

"Shhh..." I spoke, putting a hand on her head, smoothing down her hair, "cry, Kayla, let me be your friend and rock."

Kayla ceased to speak as I continued to smooth her hair, feeling wetness pool on my shoulder from her tears. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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