Chapter 5

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Oh the terror!

The absolute sheer terror I felt when I found out I would be stuck with the Slytherin boy all year. I felt like vomiting I was so scared, and as the bell rang, I bolted from the class with everything in my arms to the next class, upon the next class until my class of Defence Against The Dark Arts.
I entered the classroom quickly and quietly, sitting down at the back of the classroom as it was nearly one of the only desks left. Then, seconds later, a body sat down next to me. A book was slapped down on the desk, and Alec, the Slytherin, was right next to me. I groaned.

"No! Not you again..." I complained, causing the sadistic arse to smirk.

"Yep, mudblood, it's me. Let's say... you take my notes this class, and we Can forget about the whole groaning part you just did." He said with no humour in his voice and ruffled his hair.

"Is he bothering you, Kayla?" Rowan asked as he walked into the classroom and sat down in a seat next to me.

"Y-" i began.

"Nope, not at all." Alec responded with a smirk as the other students finally walked in and all the slytherin students sat at the far back. The teacher, a tall middle aged man walked in and the class was hushed.

"Welcome to the first day, where you're sitting is where you're sitting. No talking, open your books to page one and read until page 20." The entire class groaned and the teacher held up his hand, "I said no talking, get to it!"

And, to put it shortly, everyone got on task, that was except for Alec. He sat there staring at the desk, scratching his name into the wood.

"What's wrong, mudblood?" He whispered, noticing me watching him.

"That's graffiti." I whispered.

"So? Your point? No one cares. Read your damn book you goody two shoes." He growled lowly.

"Why don't you?" I whispered back.

"I said no talking! Take 10 points from Hufflepuff!" The teacher yelled and everyone looked to Alec and I. A few people from my house glared.


"But it wasn't her fault." Rowan spoke and everyone turned toward him.

Oh why, Rowan.

"Like I said no talking!" The teacher commanded, but Rowan wasn't having any of it.

"Maybe I should speak louder, THE SLYTHER-" Rowan began.

"Take 20 points from Gryffindor! And Rowan, you will be with me for a weeks detention, starting today." The teacher spoke in a harsh tone.

"Fine." Rowan mumbled.

"Rowan, like I said-"

"I HEARD YOU THE FIRST TIME!" Rowan yelled and looked back at his book.

"No yelling in this class, take 10 more points from Gryffindor. Back to work."

Everyone cast a glance in Rowan's direction before going back to work, Alec looked back at me and gave a grin. He surely must have loved this, especially since he didn't get in trouble. Especially since he was winning.

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