Chapter 9

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*NEW JUNE 2020*


"Father." I spoke and rose from the bed in the hospital wing.

"I would listen to the nurse, Alec, to keep your mouth closed, because the amount of hell you have caused is far more than what my ears are pleased to hear." My father spoke. Boy he was pissed.

My father strode forward from the doors, looking to the nurse and Malcom, and then to me. His eyes burned holes into my skin. A respectable man within the wizard world. A pure blood. Lineage. Well know and not one to mess with. A true Slytherin. My mother the same.


"No Alec." My father responded and then walked to my hospital bed. "No more talking. You will listen to me."

I looked to Malcom, who was intensely invested in his hand all of a sudden, the nurse keeping quiet as well.

"You are An Awiche," my father began, "you are a Slytherin. Slytherin's have reputations, they are the snakes of the school. Repeat to me the values of a Slytherin."

I took in a breath, gulping, another one of fathers tests.

"W-well, cunning. Ambitious. Resourceful. Determination...."I spoke, my voice a tad shaky.

"Good enough, now, tell me where any of that says "rude to a teacher" and "picking fights with boys from your year", go ahead, tell me Alec." My father said sharply.

"I... I'm not sure, father." I responded and looked to him.

"Really? Because apparently that's what you have been doing on your first day of fifth year.We only had a few problems in your first four years," my father spoke and adjusted his suit, "I advise you to smarten up or Merlin me, there will be consequences. You will be serving your detention. I am an important man, Alec, and my son, Slytherin or not cannot be a rude and ignorant brat. Remember: Self-preservation."

My father then looked towards Malcom and sighed, "Malcom, hope your parents are well." He commented.

Malcom modded, "they are, thank you."

My father, Mr.Awiche nodded. He steps towards the door without another word and behind him, it sounded shut, with only the sound of complete silence in the room until the nurse stood and filled out Malcom's chart and let him free.

Malcom left without another word.

"Alec, you do understand that even if you are slytherin, you can be kind, right?" The nurse spoke and turned to me.

I looked to the nurse and blinked. Still shaken up from my fathers visit.

"I- yes, I mean... every Slytherin I've met is rude and mean. Especially those here." I responded.

"That's due to stereotypes. You're the "mean" house. You don't need to be. You can be kind. Think on it. Especially with that Hufflepuff you hurt." The nurse said with a sigh as she handed me a paper of release.

"What...?" I responded and stared at the paper.

"Her friend is in bad shape. So is she. Malcom is hurting, and I suppose you two have history. I can see it. Deep down. Be a leader, Alec." The nurse said and then walked over to her station and began cleaning things up.

I sighed the paper she handed me and I walked from the room.

Slytherpuff love ❤Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon