Chapter 15

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I recommend being careful reading this part, it is cringey and gruesome at some point. So if you are sensitive to that be cautious.

Otherwise... enjoy!


Alec slowly raised his head and looked at me. His eyes widened and he wiped his tears away.

"I-I was?" He stammered.

"Yes, you were," I reply and grabbed my books from my bag and set them on my desk as the teacher walks in.

"Students, for today's class we will move the desks to one side and some volunteers will duel, USING safe and effective methods for disarming an opponent." The teacher announced.

I should have left my books where they were. Everyone scrambled to push the desks aside, I put my books in my bag and Rowan moved my desk and his desk, Alec slowly moving his.

"First two volunteers to the middle." The teacher announced, two Slytherin boys stepping forward to the middle.

"Alright boys, show us what EFFECTIVE and SAFE spells you have to disarm." The teacher spoke and the boys both nodded.

The taller of the two pointed his wand at the shorter boy but before he could speak the other boy shot Expelliarmus at the other and the taller boy's wand shot to the floor. 

"Nice, next two." The professor announced and a Slytherin girl stepped forward. Alec's friend Cecelia, if my eyes did not deceive me. 

"Hey, mud blood, try me." Cecelia purred. 

She was talking to me.

"You don't-" Rowan began, cutting himself off as I stepped into the circle. 

Cecelia smirked at me, raising her wand.

"Expell-" I began.

"Locomotor Wibbly," She said quickly.

My legs turned to jelly. I was on the floor in seconds. I collapsed, my head hit the ground. My wand still in my hand. The professor moved to stop her.

"Expelliarmus." She spoke quickly again, my wand skidding across the floor.

I attempted to prop myself up, my head spun, I felt like vomiting. What the hell is going on?

"NO!" A loud voice boomed.


"NO!" The professor bellowed.

There was a huge commotion. People scrambled to the door. Then it was silent.

I propped myself up with the help of a Ravenclaw girl.

Cecelia was on the floor. Alec was on top of her, pinning her to the floor with her face kissing the ground.

She struggled to point her wand at me. Rowan stomped on her hand. The crunch of bones echoed throughout the classroom. That was definetly broken.

Cecelia began to scream.

Two students rushed into the classroom followed by the Headmaster and the Nurse.

My head began to spin from the screaming, Alec looked so done with life. 


"Get off of her, Alec." The headmaster requested, Alec did so, but not before slamming Cecelia's head to the ground, the thud of it sounding throughout the classrom. 

She let out a low grown before there was silence. Rowan stepped off of her hand.

"Give me detention, what ever, just make sure she can't harm anyone else." Alec said and then strolled out of the room.

The nurse ran to Cecelia and the Professor attended me.

"Are you okay? Who is Clarity?" they asked and I teared up.

"Our friend who ended up in St.Mungo's due to some Pure Blood Slytherin's." Rowan responded for me, "This girl, perhaps, knows much more to the story than some say." He observed and pointed to Clarity lying limp on the floor.

The teacher looked to Rowan, saying nothing, then turned to me.

"Kayla, are you okay?" The professor asked again.

"Y-yes... my legs are still... jelley, and my head is pounding." I rasped.

"Get her out of here, take her to the infirmary. Some ministry workers will be by later, along with her parents, to discuss the seriousness of what she was attempting to do." The Headmaster bellowed to the nurse and some teachers who were summoned. 

"Get Kayla's legs back together. Rowan and Alec, to the-"

"Okay, we know." Rowan responded, Alec shouted from the hall. 

Rowan turned on his heel and walked out the door. The Ravenclaw who was holding me, shifted her weight to allow a Slytherin boy to lift me onto a chair. Cecelia soon was whisked out of the room, left with the rest of my classmates, the Headmaster, and my frantic Professor.

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