Chapter 1

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A place, not even in my wildest dreams would I have ever imagined. I got a letter in the mail, saying I was accepted into a magical school. Now, I'm not one to believe in magic, but when the owl delivered the letter I was a bit more open minded.

My parents always expressed how I was different, how little quirks in my personality were different, how one time I was so angry about my fish dying, I shattered the bowl into a half million tiny pieces and it was surely a mess to clean up.

Although I didn't know if the school was a real place, I bought my materials, even buying a cat that I fell in love with at first sight and headed to the train station on the day we were to depart, with help from a girl named Clarity.

We boarded the train, something called the Hogwarts Express, saw moving frogs made of chocolate, and still my mind was convinced it was all a trance, some sort of make believe that my mind made up to shadow some sort of trauma that I had, but even with a shake of the head it didn't go away. Neither did the three friends I made: Clarity, Malcom, and Rowan.

When we got to the school, as it stood before me in its glory I was in awe as the sheer size, and the fact that a place like it could exist. When we were herded into the great hall with other older looking students and tons of food and teachers, it finally sunk in. This entire place was real and we were it's students.

Each new student stood before the headmaster and a hat, the sorting hat it was called, and each at turn walked up, placed in on our heads, it thought, and it sung out the names of the house we each belonged. Each one of my friends got their turn.

Clarity, a ravenclaw.
Malcom, a ravenclaw.
Rowan, a gryffindor.

Soon enough, it was me. As my name was called I walked to the front, sat upon the stool and waited as the het was placed on my head and unbelievably it began to speak, "ahhh, I see... muggle born, loyal, skeptic to many things..." it spoke before deciding, "HUFFLEPUFF!" The hat roared.

And with that, I walked to my house table and the magic began.

First, second, third, and fourth year passed quickly leading into the next and eventually onto fifth, each year increased in difficulty as well as brand new material that turned out to be different yearly- which makes sense as it is literally magic and with each year, my friends and I were successful in maintaining our relationship with one another despite our differences, especially with me being a muggle born. Although, I did pass each class without issue.

As the year began for fifth year to start I did what I did every year, buy my books, robes, and everything else needed and then the next go to the train, but this time the atmosphere was different.

I wasn't greeted with a smiling face as I got on the train, no having my name shrieked at the top of one's lungs, and no news from the summer in one go, i was met with two boys who looked as if they had just been told the worst news in their lives, sure we saw one another a few times in summer, but nothing bad had to have happened so quickly.

As I sat, closing the door as I spoke, a look of worry on my face and my cat in my arms, "Hey, where's clarity?" I asked as both boys took a breath in.

"St.Mungo's." Malcom said in a weak whisper.

My face said it all as Malcom continued.

"She was in a bad fight with some slytherin's... t-the torture curse... she doesn't remember who we are."

"When did this happen?" I asked as I limply sat and let my cat down.

"Two weeks ago... but her parents only told us 7 days ago." Rowan replies quietly.

There was silence.

"Guys... why didn't you tell me?" I asked breathless as tears filled my eyes.

"They didn't want anyone who wasn't pure to know. We couldn't tell anyone, not until we were on the train... not until it was safe enough so no one could go see her." Malcom explained and looked to his lap.

"We wanted to tell you, but we weren't allowed, you're a mud- muggle born even though you are her friend." Rowan said and met my eyes, "we tried, really."

I brought my knees up to my chin, hugging them close as a few tears fell. Rowan reached to comfort me, but was met with sharp words, "Don't touch me! Go away! A real friend would have told me. Leave me alone!"

Both boys, with looks of shock on their faces got up, walked out of the compartment and left closing the door leaving me to cry. Not even an hour later someone opened the door and let out a laugh, "ah! Look, the mudblood is crying." The voice laughed.

I looked up and my eyes settled on a girl and three slytherin boys, "go away." I muttered and they laughed as one boy spoke.

"Nope! Won't do anything of the sorts... did useless mommy mudblood die?" He asked and then laughed loudly.

I shook my head and a few tears escaped from my eyes.

"What about daddy? Hey, where are your friends? Did they leave you because you're a useless mudblood?" The girl asked grinning and I shook my head viciously.

"Awww are you failing then?" A pretty faced slytherin asked teasingly.

"Shut up! My friend is in St.Mungos! She lost her memory two weeks ago due to your kind! My friends parents wouldn't tell me because I'm a muggle born! Go away! I don't want to talk to you!" I snapped, the door was then closed and I was left in silence.


We all sat in the great hall as people got sorted, we ate, and as I looked around Malcom stared at the table without looking up. By the time it was all over, i went to my common room with my house, to my dorm and laid on my bed crying.

A girl, Hillary, a Hufflepuff pure blood from a family of Ravenclaw's, walked in hearing me cry, "What- oh. Gosh, Kayla. I'm sorry. She will get better." She said softly as she sat down on my bed and put her arms around me.

"How do you know?" I asked softly.

"She's a strong girl, we used to be friends you know... she will be alright." Hillary said softly and then sighed, "don't be angry At Malcom and Rowan, they were Just being obedient."

I just nodded as she got up in her own bed. Clarity had never mentioned Hillary before, just Malcom and Rowan, maybe she was right. Maybe things would get better.

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