Chapter 2

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Alec Awiche

Hogwarts. The one place I've dreamed of going all my life and as soon as I got there I knew I'd be slytherin. Mom is. Dad is. And of course, myself as well.

When everyone was buzzing about letters from Hogwarts, and I had received mine, my mother brought me to Diagonally to buy supplies and a brand new broomstick, despite the rules of first years not being allowed their own brooms.

When I went to the platform the day of, I already knew who my friends would be, where I would sit, and how I would act amount peers. It was all branded into my mind and body.

We sat on the train, three boys and one girl, Hector, Leon, and Cecelia and of course myself. We talked for hours as we sat on the train about how excited we were to go to hogwarts, but we kept our cool. We are slytherin of course.

By the time the ride was over, I saw a guy burn off his eyebrows trying out a spell, and when we got to the castle the excitement turned to nervousness as the hat was placed on each head and we were told where we belonged, Slytherin without a doubt.

From first to fourth year I passed without difficulty, well aside from Transfiguration, and when fifth year came around my mother brought me shopping to get the newest supplies and robes and on the day the train departed my friends and I met, got on together, and we sat in the compartment as the train departed.

We had only been traveling ten minutes when there was yelling, but we ignored it at first but as two boys walked past looking very shaken up we decided it would be best to investigate and we did, soon finding the compartment. We opened the door and found a girl alone, holding her knees and crying.

We laughed , "ah! Look, the mudblood is crying." Cecelia spoke.

The girl looked up and spoke, "go away." She muttered and we laughed as Leon spoke.

"Nope! Won't do anything of the sorts... did useless mommy mudblood die?" He asked and then laughed loudly.

I studied her, she truly was pretty but I didn't want to admit that out loud. She was just a stupid hufflepuff, after all.

"What about daddy? Hey, where are your friends? Did they leave you because you're a useless mudblood?" Cecelia asked grinning and The mudblood shook her head viciously.

"Awww are you failing then?" I asked with a smirk.

"Shut up! My friend is in St.Mungos! She lost her memory two weeks ago due to your kind! My friends parents wouldn't tell me because I'm a muggle born! Go away! I don't want to talk to you!" She snapped.

My friends and I looked to one another speechless, we might be slytherin but we do have a heart, we closed the door and walked away and Cecelia spoke rather meanly, "her friend won't be much good.. almost like her." She smirked.

"I heard of the fight, my brother was in it." Hector said quietly, "she got what she got coming."

"Agreed." Leon said simply and I stayed quiet. Not out of remorse, just... because I guess shock?

When we arrived at hogwarts, we all sat at our tables, I looked from mine to hufflepuff and watched the girl to make sure in some way that she would be okay, even though I knew she wouldn't.

Slytherpuff love ❤Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ