Chapter 17

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I can't believe Cecelia did that. I get that she is a Slytherin, but the cruelty that she imposed on me was unbelievable. Not to mention what Alec did. What Rowan did. Does Alec feel any remorse for harming a friend? Does Rowan care he broke someone's hand? 

The Nurse scurried around the room, obviously flustered the Minister of Magic was in the Hospital Wing, watching with a careful eye over Cecelia and speaking quietly to her father and other important people. 

For once, I wish my parents were here.

I want to burrow under the sheets of the hospital bed and cry, but I can not show emotion, especially in front of Cecelia.

"Okay, transfer her out. Cuffs. Make sure her belongings are packed up and shipped to her house. She will not be returning." The Minister spoke to the Nurse and the officials around her. He stood back as Cecelia was put into cuffs by two men, her father with a disappointed look on his face watched.

She stood with the help of her father and then looked to me. Her eyes screamed death. She began to walk, a hand of the officials on her. She neared the door and then stopped and spoke, "I will see you again," she began

The Hospital wing door swung open, Malcom and Rowan stood in the doorway looking wild. Alec was behind them, looking out of place.

"-mudblood, and you better be ready this time...Oh, my gracious hero, my-" Cecelia began as she saw Alec.

Why was Alec here?

"No speaking, move. Stop trying to resist." The Minister spoke.

"Cecelia, keep moving." Her father said gruffly.

"At least let me say goodbye to my best friend!" Cecelia purred, her posture shifting as she saw Alec.

"What friend?" Alec spoke as Malcom and Rowan walked through the door towards me, "Because, I don't see one."

Nope, no remorse. 

"What?" Cecelia whispered.

"You think I would forgive you after the shit you pulled? I stopped you today, and we all know what you would have done if I were not there." Alec spoke and pushed past the officials and Minister.

"A-Al-ec... come on." Cecelia tried to struggle against the officials, "P-please, sh-she means-" her father pushed her forwards, the officials hurrying her on as they closed the door, the Minister closed the doors and turned towards the Malcom, Rowan, and Alec.

"Cecelia will not be returning," The Minister spoke, "But of course Alec and Rowan already know this."

"Yes, that would be a safe call," Malcom replied and tapped the floor with his shoe.

"We believe she was involved in the ongoing case for what happened to Clarity," The Minister spoke, "Alec, off the record, since your father is not here you may speak freely, has Cecelia been acting up for over a month now?"

"She has always been like this. This year it got worse. She took to hanging out with other Pureblood Slytherin's," Alec spoke, "And sometimes would invite them along with whatever we were doing."

"I see, and do you know these people well?" The Minister spoke.

"No, but they do go here," Alec commented.

"Minister, sir, why didn't anyone tell us about Clarity until a few weeks before school?" Malcom asked.

Clarity... I miss her so much...

"It never was to be released if she were to recover, but she hasn't, so we couldn't let students, especially you all, to be unaware of her condition," the Minister spoke and then turned to the closed door, "Anyhow, enjoy the rest of the year." He then opened the door, walked out the door, paused, and spoke as he left, "Alec, be on your best behaviour." The door then closed loudly.

The nurse scurried from her office, taking in the boys and then looked at me.

"She is free to go in a moment, is there anything else I can do for you all?" She asked and signed the clipboard on the bedside table.

"No," Malcom replied, the nurse nodding and then patting my arm.

"You may leave, Kayla, take it easy." She spoke and then went back to her office.

I removed the covers and slowly got off the bed. Rowan moved my shoes closer to the edge of the bed. I put them on and then we walked to the hospital room's door, exiting minutes later and walking down the hall in silence.

Why didn't Alec just go to his common room, why did he decide to come?

"Hey, mind if I speak to Kayla, alone?" Alec requested, everyone stopped in their tracks.

What? What did Alec need to say to me? Why couldn't he wait until class tomorrow? Why couldn't he say it in front of Malcom and Rowan? My head began to spin with curiosity as to why he needed to speak to me alone. 

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