Chapter 1

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- Chapter 1-

⊱⊰ Bendy's Pov⊱⊰

I wandered around the darkened halls, searching for something that I knew would run out eventually. It was only a matter of time. Time which everybody had, yet the food here sure didn't. I spotted my target, a small can of self proclaimed food. It had gone bad decades ago, but there was nothing else to eat. I was practically starving with the combination of the search, and the fact I was sick of eating the gross little cans. I had tried eating searchers, but that didn't end up well.

Sighing, I grabbed the can, popped the lid open and tried to gulp it down as quickly as possible. It didn't work as I had planned, and the slimy taste clung to my mouth. I gagged as the smell quickly got to me. I chucked the can at a wall, before storming off. If I don't need them to survive, I will throw all of those nasty cans into the butcher gang's firepit. My tail flicked in irritation as I tried to focus on anything else besides the bitter aftertaste in my mouth. Maybe I would look for a certain annoying human....

⊱⊰ ???⊱⊰

I paced down the hallway after my group leader, quickly following his example and sitting down in a chair. I was the youngest in my group, as I noticed the height difference among the others. We were facing a presentation board, which one of the scientists were standing in front of. I gulped down my doubts, and focused on the board. There were some mumbles as another group filed in. "Alright men, I'll make this quick. We have recently found evidence of a new Scp, which you all have the pleasure of capturing. It is located west of the drop off point, in an abandoned animation studio." Her eyes wandered over us, watching for any negative reactions. "From the few glances we've gotten of it, it seems to be a tall humanoid creature similar to Scp-106. Any questions?" I shivered at the woman's voice. She had been quick and to the point, but she said it was similar to 106. If that was true then we were probably going to die. My group leader raised his hand. The lady nodded, and he asked his question. "Does the entity have any abilities we should know about? Anything we should look out for in its appearance?" The light reflected off the woman's id card, and I finally saw her name. Dr. Nova. She shook her head, "None that we are aware of," She looked back over our groups. "Anything else?" When we all remained motionless she continued. "Good, well if that's all the questions, you'd better head out." It seemed like everybody was in a rush to lead as I jogged after my group. We filed onto a bus, before we headed off. Please let this be an easy mission...

The bus stopped in front of an abandoned animation studio. It looked like it used to be for cartoons, but the considering the state of the studio, didn't do so well. There was a picture of the mascot hanging on the sign, its degrading expression seemingly glaring at us. The sign itself wasn't even legible anymore, and only a few stray letters were shown. The door was boarded up, but the boards looked rotted and frail. All in all, this studio had seen better days. Everybody filed off the bus, and nobody could stop staring at the building. "God damn, are they sure it won't cave in on us?" One of the people in the other group spoke, and silence greeted his words. We all seemed to think the same thing. The bus driver drove a little further ahead, probably unnerved by the building and getting away if it decided to come down. I couldn't even blame him. "Well then, best get this over with." My group leader spoke, motioning us to follow. Everybody trudged after him, and I spared one last glance at the waiting bus before I steeled myself for what was to come. I watched as the boards were knocked off the door and the doorknob was turned. Everybody crept in and surveyed the room. I heard a curse, before somebody muttered "Careful where you step, this place could give way under our feet." I glanced down, seeing the rotting boards. The room had power, which was odd. But that wasn't the oddest fact. The whole place looked straight out of a cartoon. Somebody whipped out a camera and started taking pictures. I glanced back at the door, only to see it was closed. Somebody must have already closed it. We started to divide into groups to search the building.

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