13. A dream world

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"Goodmorning sweethard." I hear a voice say.

I open my eyes to see my mom. She's opening the curtains in my bedroom. "You should get ready. Your ride will be here in about 20 minutes."

Right. Today is the rehearsal dinner for Laurel's wedding. She's going to marry that spoiled Oliver Queen guy. As her best friend, she should've listened to my advice and just break up with him.

But she didn't and they're getting married. On the bright side, I get to be bridesmaid.

I get up, get dressed and go downstares. I find my dad with the newspaper and a cup of coffee. "Goodmorning." He says.

I smile. "Goodmorning."

My mom gives me a plate with an egg. "Here. Eat up. You don't want to be late."

I quickly eat it, with some small talk between me and my dad. Then I look at my watch. "Gotta go."

I give my mom a hug. Then my dad, but the second I touch him I suddenly get a memory of him hitting me.

What is that about? My dad would never hit me.

I brush it off and run outside.


The rehearsal dinner has been going on for about an hour, but someone is missing. It's the groom.

"He's not coming." Laurel says.

I really want to say I told you so now, but I won't, because she's already stressing out.

Laurel's little sister, Sara, has a better answer. "Don't worry. He'll be here."

"I don't know." She mumbles.

"You know Oliver Queen has never been on time for anything in his entire life. It'll be fine." I assure her.

It still doesn't assure her. "You didn't see him earlier. He had this look on his face like he was backing out."

"No way. He loves you." Sara says.

If he backs out of the wedding, I'll kill him. I don't care that I've never held a knife in my life. I'll get it done.

"He just- He looked like everything that he knew was wrong."

"I'm pretty sure that every guy has that look the night before their wedding." I point out.

"You know there was a time when I thought Sara and him would actually hook up." Laurel says.

"You know I prefer girls." Sara replies.

A flash of me and her kissing goes through my mind. What is going on with me? I'd never kiss Laurel's baby sister.

I notice a girl that used to be in my class, Lizzy. I decide to go over there and pretend to like her for a while. Thank god Laurel pulls me away. She does the same with Sara, who was talking to someone I don't recognize. "This is my sister Sara, and my best friend Kate."

I see a guy I recognize as Ray Palmer. I have one of his phones.

A flash suddenly goes through my mind of me and him laughing about something with an other guy. "Have we met before?" He asks me and Sara.

More flashes go through my mind. It's me, him and Sara this time.

I brush it off again. "No. I think I'd remember."

"You two just... seem very familiar."

"Excuse us." Laurel says, dragging us away.

"Are you sure you're into girls?" She asks Sara. "Because he was hot."

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