Back from the dead

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It was 8 at night as Donghae was packing up his things. "Are you packed" Donghae called as he walked out his room with a backpack on his back and a duffle bag in his hand. "Ready" Ah Reum answered as she walked out her room "But where are we going?" She set her bag on the ground at her feet as she looked at Donghae.

"Back home."

"Finally. But aren't we going to wait for Kris oppa?"

"He doesn't know we're going back."


"Ah Reum. There's something I have to take care of back home, I'm pretty sure you miss your friends, and Luhan. This way you won't have to go sneaking around at night."

"I can see him" she said as her eyes lite up in happiness. He nodded his head yes as he grabbed her bag from the ground and left as she was trailing him. They got in the cab as he told the driver the address. Donghae looked out the window as the car was moving. When they got there Ah Reum was already fast asleep. Donghae turned to her and smiled as he got out. He took the bags out as he opened her door slowly. He picked her up as he brought her inside and laid her the couch. He went back out to collect the bags and brought them inside. As he set it down Ah Reum started waking up. "What time is it?" she groaned as she sat up.

"Ten. Go back and sleep" he told her.

She rubbed her eyes as she sat up. "I had a nightmare" she said.

"It's just a dream."

"Do you have anything to drink?"

"Yeah. There should be some water in the fridge" he said. She got up as she went to the kitchen and opened the door. When she opened the door for the fridge she screamed, Donghae ran to the kitchen as he saw a female head in the fridge with a post-it on it's mouth. He pulled Ah Reum into his chest as he looked at it. "Isn't that Seoyoon from our school?" Ah Reun asked.

"Yeah. Why don't you go back, I'll bring you some tea" he said to her as she left. He took the post-it from her mouth and read. You can't run away forever it read.

He came to the living room with a cup of tea as she stood up. "I'm going to see Luhan" she said.

"It's ten at night. I'm pretty sure he's sleeping."

"It's a surprise. What? You're afraid to be by yourself?"

"I think I can manage. Tell Luhan hi for me" he said. She smiled at him before leaving the room, Donghae looked up as he set the tea on the coffee table before going upstairs. Ah Reum was running to Luhan. She looked up at the sky as she saw the full moon as a smile formed on her face before she was looking forward. Her eyes glowed as she got faster. It didn't take long till she got to his house. She got to the front door as she rang the doorbell a couple of times. It took a while till the door opened as Luhan appeared. She immediately wrapped her arms around his neck. He pushed her back as he held onto her shoulders. "Ah Reum" he said breathless. She nodded her head with a smile as he brought her in for a hug. She hugged him back as she smiled. "I missed you" she said as she rubbed her head on his chest. They got inside as they laid down on his bed, she had her head on his chest as he was running his fingers through her blonde hair. "Where were you? I thought you were dead" he said.

"I was, but them somehow I woke up, and when I did I was in this strange place with Donghae oppa. He was taking care of me and teaching me how to control my wolf instincts" she said.

"That too? How are you a wolf when I have my mark back?"

She shrugged her shoulders and sat up. "Let's not talk about that. Tell me what I missed? How are the guys doing?" she asked.

"Uhm, they're the same, and we have a new student, Nana. beware of her. She's trouble."

"Nana. I think I've heard that name before" she said as she was trying to think but nothing came up. I know I've heard that name before she thought.

Donghae walked into his room as he looked around, everything looked the same like when he left. The mirror was still shattered, he saw a note on the night stand as he went to look at it. 'Thought you might come back if I left your house. Hope to see you soon' and a smiley face. He crumbled the piece of paper as he looked around. He could still smell traces of her lingering around. "Kris didn't tell me she was staying in my house" he said to himself as he opened the window and left the room.

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