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Later that night, Ah Reum was walking back to Donghae's place. Her face dried from her tears. The only feeling she has left was anger towards Nana, and she wanted revenge. Her eyes was a flicker of red and brown, new set of tears started to sting her eyes. When she approached the house, wiped her eyes dry and walked in. "Why are you so late. It's one in the morning" Donghae said getting up.

"Mianhe. I guess I lost track of time" she said.

"Were you crying? Your eyes look puffy."

"I'm just tired. I'm going to bed" she said while dragging her feet to her room. She closed the door and laid down on her bed. She placed the back of her hands over her eyes, trying to fall asleep.

The next morning Donghae walked in her room, he was pushing the curtains aside so the sunlight could come in. He turned when he heard Ah Reum groan. "Wake up" he said.

"Isn't today Saturday? Why are you waking me up so early" she mumbled.

"Because I have a fun pact day for us."

She threw a pillow at him, "Wake up. We leave in an hour" he said before leaving. She groaned again before rolling off her bed, landing on the ground with a loud thump. She blew a couple of hairs from her face before getting up and walking out the door to the bathroom. Donghae was packing a couple of things in his bag. "Are we ready?" Suho called while walking in. "Ah Reum's still taking a shower" Donghae said "Did you bring it?"

"Yeah. But why did I have to buy so much?"

"For tonight. You're still coming right?"

"Yeah. But why do I have to come?"

"Because you talk to her. I don't understand her at times. She too strange for me" he said shaking his head. Suho laughed at him, "Hyung. You're too stupid" he said walking away from the kitchen. When they all ready they all left to the bus stop.


When they arrived to their destination they got off the bus. Ah Reum looked around, "This is your idea of fun?" she asked Donghae, looking up at the mountain. "There's a cabin at the top. That's where we'll be staying" he said.

"And how are we suppose to make it up there before nightfall?" she asked looking back at him.

"Simple. Use your wolf instincts" Donghae said, his eye change from brown to gold before he ran ahead. "I guess you forgot. But when I go wolf, I go crazy" she shouted after him but he didn't bother to look back. "Just remember. Self control" Suho smiled before running off too. She picked up her bag and put it on her back, "Self control my butt" she said while walking.

After way, Donghae and Suho were waiting for Ah Reum to hurry and catch up with them. She finally got there and fall to the ground in exhaustion, "We'll never make it up there in time if you're too slow" Donghae said.

"I hate you" she said through breaths, "Can we take a break here. I'm tired" she said.

"No. Come on, we still have a long way" Donghae said.

"I can't walk anymore. And my bag weighs a ton."

"That's because I put rocks in there" he laughed. She looked at him, took her backpack off and saw large rocks in there, "You really puts rocks in there?" Suho said. Donghae just shrugged it off, "I'm going to get you" she said.

"That's it, use that anger. Catch me if you can" he said before running off. Ah Reum's eyes flashed red before she chased after him. "That's not going to end well" Suho said joining them.


When they got to the top of the mountain Donghae stopped when he arrived to the cabin. "Made it" he said with a smile. Ah Reum came not to long after and jumped on his back. He grabbed her arm and threw her to the ground, "I don't want to hurt you. You have to gather control of this" he said to her. Suho came and stood there watching, "Suho, this is your cue. You're her friend talk to her" Donghae said while walking away. Ah Reum got up, dusting herself off. "Ah Reum" Suho said walking towards her. "Get out my way. I'm going to rip his head off his body" she said.

"You don't want to do that. This isn't you" he said.

"You're right. But I like it. Now move" she said pushing him aside. He grabbed her arm, "You don't want to do that" she warned him.

"You're not going to hurt me" he said with confidence. She smiled at him, grabbed his neck and held him against the wall of the cabin. She gripped his neck tighter and tighter. "You were saying" she said. Donghae was going to step in but Suho stopped him. "Ah Reum, you don't want to do this. You don't want to hurt me. I'm your friend, Suho" he chocked, "Look at me." She looked over him before letting go of his neck and blinking a couple of times. Suho fell to the ground on all four gasping for air. "Oppa you okay" she said aiding him.

"Yeah" he said holding his neck.

"See. Self control" Donghae said.

"I almost just died" Suho said.

"But you didn't. Why did you think I asked you to come, because you were closer to her and she cares for you. There was no way she would have hurt you" he explained.


It was late at night, Suho and Ah Reum was sitting by the fire, Donghae already passed out from drinking too much. "I'm sorry about earlier" she said.

"It's okay. As long as you didn't kill me " he joked looking at her. Her red eyes was still visible even with the lack of light. "I could have" she said.

"But you didn't" he assured her, "See I'm fine."

"I just don't want you to get hurt, or the guys."

"I can handle myself."

"You sure about that" she smiled, "Because like you said, I almost killed you."

"I was going easy on you because you weren't yourself."

She stood up, "Want to try" she smiled. "I'm not fighting you" he said getting up. "Come on" she said. He kept denying, she grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back, "How about now?" she grinned. He managed to get out of the hold and pin her against the wall. "Told you" he said. He noticed at how close they were, he looked at her lips before leaning in and kissing her.

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