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Kai brought Ah Reum inside and sat her down in the kitchen then went to the kitchen to get her something to drink. He looked back at her gripping the cup before walking to her. "Here" he said handing it to her while taking a seat. She took it and took a sip. Her eyes were mostly dried by now, "What happened?" he asked.

"It was after we left the school" she started her story.

After school....

They were still walking around, "What do you want to eat?" he asked her.

"Barbeque" she smiled.

"Barbeque it is" he said as they were walking. She held onto his arm while they were walking that way.  They arrived at the place and took their seats, he looked around and saw that some people were staring over at them. He looked away nervously at the staring eyes. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing" he answered clearing his throat. When their meat arrived he began putting some on the grill. "Oppa, have you ever tried it raw?" she asked him.

"Aniyo. Plus it taste better cooked."

She continued looking at the raw pieces of meat while licking her lips. "Here" he said feeding her a cooked piece. She ate it while putting a smile on, "Mas-issneun" she said. He continued grilling it while she snuck a piece of the raw meat in her mouth. When the first half finished grill they were eating it, when it finished he started putting another piece on the grill. "Oppa, let's not grill it" she said.

"Are you full already?"

"It's not that" she said nervously, "I want to eat it raw" she continued slowly. He looked at her before pushing the plate over to her. Her eyes automatically lite up as she picked up her chopsticks and ate it. "You want some?" she asked.

"It' s all yours. I'm going to the bathroom" he said getting up and left. Right then someone took his seat. She looked up and saw Nana, "What are you doing here"? she asked.

"I'm here to check on our deal."


"The one where you promised me a date with Donghae."

"I didn't make no such deal. Plus, I know better than to make a deal with the devil" she said putting another piece of meat in her mouth. Nana gave her a dirty look, "Are you playing dumb right now?" she asked.

"Look. I didn't make any deal with you, especially such a stupid deal like that. I wouldn't put Donghae oppa through that torture. Now if you'll excuse me, Luhan oppa and I are on a date."

"I won't let go so easily" Nana said before leaving. A couple of seconds later Luhan came back, "Let's go" Ah Reum said getting up.

"You're done?"

"I lost my appetite" she said leaving the restaurant. Luhan paid the bill before meeting her outside.  "Let's get some ice cream" she said.

"Okay" he nodded before she started pulling him. She took a seat on the park bench while he went to go buy some. She looked over and saw Nana holding someone by the neck. Ah Reum got up and walked towards her, Luhan was coming back with the ice cream cones when he saw her walking away. "Where is she going now?" he asked himself while following her.

Nana led Ah Reum to an alley where she dropped the lifeless body of their missing teacher. "Is it that  Mr. Choi seonsaengnim?" Ah Reum asked.

"Yeah. He annoyed me  so I thought of disposing of him. But you're going take the blame" Nana smiled. She bent down to the body and cutting his body, Ah Reum looked at it. She was frozen as she watched, Nana wiped the blood with her hands before walking to Ah Reum and wiping it on her face. She heard footsteps coming, she pushed Ah Reum to the ground before leaving. Luhan walked in and dropped the ice cream on the ground. "Ah Reum" he said softly. She turned and quickly stood up, "It's not what it looks like" she quickly said, "Nana set me up."

"Nana's not even here" he said.

"She was. She did this, you have to believe me" she said taking a step towards him but he took a step back. "Who are you?"

"Oppa, it's still me. You have to believe me" she pleaded.

"I'll believe you if you tell me what really happened."

"It was Nana. She did this."

"Again with this. I thought there was no lies between us."

"I'm not lying" she cried.

"Forget it. We're through" he said walking away. She fell to the ground sobbing in her hands.


"After that, I went to go visit my mom. Instead of hugging me and showering me with kisses, she pushed me away like I was some kind of monster and told me to never come back and then ran inside. The way she looked at me, like I was going to attack her or something" Ah Reum finished before tears starting falling again. Kai wrapped her in his arms, "It's okay. I'm here" he said to her.

"You believe me right?" she cried.

"Of course" he said with stroking her hair.

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