Birthday Surprise

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Suho left ahead of the guys to meet Kai and Ah Reum, he was marching towards the place. He walked in and saw Kai and Ah Reum kissing, he turned and ran away. The guys all walked in and Kai and Ah Reum immediately put some space between each other. "Happy Birthday" they said revealing the cake. "Thanks guys" she smiled, stealing a quick glance at Kai before looking at the others. "Where's Suho?" Xiumin asked looking around.

"He's not here" Kai said.

"But he went on ahead" Tao said.

"Maybe he got lost" Lay said.

"How could he get lost when we used to come here often" Chanyeol said. Chen held the cake closer to me, "Blow out the candle birthday girl" he smiled. I pulled my hair back and blew the candle out as they were clapping. "You still remember our tradition? Right?" Baekhyun asked with a small smile.

"We did that when we were kids. Let's be mature about this" she said back away, but Kai held her. "Don't do this. I'm not joking" she said as they took the candle out, "I'll do the honors" Sehun said taking the cake from Chen.

"Sehun, don't do this. I know where you live" she said.

"Mianhe" he smiled before hitting her in the face with the cake as everyone started laughing. Kai released her before laughing, "You think this is funny" she said. She scooped some of the cake that was on her face and threw it at Kai, that stopped his laughing but everyone else kept laughing. "That's funny" she laughed. Kai picked up some of the cake and the floor and threw it at Chanyeol, but it hit D.O by accident. He quickly covered his mouth, "If that's how you want to play" D.O said scooping some from the ground and throwing. They were now throwing cake at each other. After about twenty minutes or so they stopped, some dressed in cake. "Let's call a truce" Chanyeol said breathlessly while plopping to the floor.

"I need a shower anyways. I'm leaving first" Tao said.

"Me too. Happy birthday Ah Reum" Xiumin smiled before leaving with the others. Once again it was just Kai and Ah Reum, "You look silly" he laughed looking at her.

"You're talking" she said while trying to take some of the pieces of cake from her hair. "I should get going too. I need to get the cake from my hair" she said. Both of them were walking home when it started to rain, the run for some shelter. They stood there for a while watching the rain, "This won't do" she said walking in the rain.

"Are you crazy. You'll catch a cold" Kai said.

"Stop worry. Look, it washes the cake right off, come on" she smiled while extending her arms out to him. He took it as she pulled him in the rain, "You're crazy Ah Reum" he shouted.

"Is there something wrong with that?"

"No. You're just different from before."

"Things changed. I'll tell you a secret, ever since I've been a wolf everything is different. I see things differently, and feel differently. It's like a whole new experience" she said twirling around, she looked at him, "What, you don't like the new me?"

"I love everything about you. This time, there's just more things to love" he smiled sheepishly. She clicked her tongue at him, "You're so cheesy. You've been hanging out too much with Baekhyun oppa" she said walking away. He rushed to walk beside her, "By the way, why aren't you surprise that I said I'm a wolf?" she asked.

"Remember when you came back. I was there when you, Donghae hyung and Luhan hyung were talking. I already know about wolves."

"That explains it. So you also know about Suho oppa being a wolf?"

"He is?"

"I guess you didn't. Keep it a secret. Promise" she said sticking her pinky finger out. "You serious?" he asked. She pushed her finger closer to him, "Let's do it the grown up way" he said. She looked at him confused, he put his hand on her cheeks and pulled her face closer to his and kissed her. "I promise" he said putting his hand down, "Are you blushing?"

"You just surprised me" she quickly said, "I'm getting soak" she continued while walking away with her hands holding her cheeks. "Let's go together" Kai said while running towards her. He walked her to Donghae's house, waved bye and left. She walked in taking her shoes off, "What happened?" she asked looking around and saw broken glass on the floor.

"It's nothing. Why are you wet?"

"It's raining."

"Oh, go wash then" he said. She walked over the glass and went to the bathroom to clean herself up.

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