Girl in the shadows

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It was the weekend as Suho woke up. He looked around his room as he held his head wondering how he got back and what happened yesterday? All he remembered was walking Nana to Donghae's house and that's it. He can't remember anything else. He got out his room as he looked around and saw his parents seating on the couch. "Umma, appa. When did I come home?" he asked them.

"Late last night. A young man was carrying you back" his mother informed him. A young man, who could that be he thought to himself as he scratched the back of his head before going to the kitchen for a glass of water. There was a knock on the door as he peered over to see who it was as his dad went to answer it. "Annyounghaeseyo Nana imida. I'm a friend of Suho" she said. He walked to the door as he looked at her. "I got it dad" he said as he dad walked back. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I'm came to check on you. You past out yesterday, how are you feeling?"

"Fine, I think. My parents said that some guy brought me back?"

"Yeah, a friend of mine. I called him to bring you back" she smiled. He smiled with her and said "Thanks. If it wasn't for you I might have been in trouble."

"Anything to help. I just wanted to check to see if you were okay."

"I'm fine."

"I should go. See you at school" she waved before leaving. He closed the door, "She seems nice" his father said.

"And pretty" his mother chimed in.

Luhan went to Ah Reum's grave as he noticed some freshly placed flowers. He looked around but didn't see anyone there. He picked up the flowers, "Why are they putting this here when its an empty grave" he said angrily as he threw it away. He looked back at it as he crouched down, eyes filled with tears. "I miss you" he whispered as he ran his hand through his hair. "Luhan?" someone called. He wiped his eyes as he turned and saw Kai walking towards him. "What are you doing here?" he asked as he stood up.

"Same reason you're here. To visit Ah Reum" he said as he placed the rose on her grave. "You know there's nothing in there? Right?" Luhan told him.

"I know" he said.


It was getting late and Kai was heading home as he was kicking around a pebble. He sighed as he stopped at an intersection and looked across the street. His eyes bulged open at the sight of a person. "Ah Reum?" he whispered as he kept staring at the girl that resembled her. "Ah Reum" he called her. The girl turned as she looked at him and started running. He called her name again as he ran across the street chasing after her. He repeatedly kept calling her name as he ran with all his might to catch up to her. He stopped when he got to a dead end, but she wasn't there. He had his hands on his knees as he was catching his breath. "Ah Reum? Is that really you?" he said to himself as stood up straight again. He looked around before going back on his way home.

Kris was at Donghae's new place as they talking and pacing around. "I'll go out and look. You stay here in case she comes back" Kris told Donghea and as he walking to the front door. He placed his hand on the doorknob it opened it. "Oppa" she said with her eyes wide. He grabbed her and pulled her inside as he closed the door. Donghae walked over and saw her. "Where were you?" he demanded as he folded his hands.

"I went outside for a while" she answered.

"Did anyone see you?" he continued asking.

"Kai" she said softly.

"You're suppose to be dead" Kris said.

"I know but I missed them. Why can't we go back?"

"Because it's not safe yet" Kris said. Donghae glanced at him as he looked at her, "Ah Reum, we're trying to protect you. It's a miracle you're still alive, let's not any chances on that" Donghae said.

"Did anyone else see you?" Kris asked.

"No. Just him" she said as she lowered her head. It was like she was 5 all over again, being scolded by her parents. In this case Kris would be the father and Donghae would be the mother. "I'm going to bed" she said as she walked to her room. Donghae looked over to make sure that the door was closed before turning to Kris. "What do you mean by its not safe?" Donghae asked.

"Nana is killing again" Kris informed him.

"Isn't that more of a reason for us to come back. Ah Reum can control it now, and Nana's just going to keep on killing until I come back."

"I told you I'll handle this. Just do a better job in watching her so she doesn't leave" Kris said as he left.

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