十(10)One is All and All is One final

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Hey everyone! I know it's been forever! Ya girl was busy with a lot of projects and exams, lol! It was my last year of college, so I wanted to focus and graduate on time. Since I have finished my first semester at university, I got busy again, lol! However, it's Christmas break for me! I'm happy about that! and Now, I have some free time....for now, lol! Ok, maybe not because I am so late with this chapter! My apologies! The votes are in so the first one to be revealed is Kazuma Uchiha! Sadly, due to being so busy with school, I didn't have the time to draw anything. In due time, I will reveal each character every 2-3 chapters, well eventually....Hopefully...Ok, I'm trying here, lol!

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram to support my art too! My Instagram is jkray_arts.

Comment your thoughts and don't forget to vote!

Enjoy this chapter!

P.S This chapter is long! And I mean long as hell! like 5000 words😂

"As much as I love this little skinship here, it's hard to cut the onions like this," Kazuma said, as his shoulder rubbed onto Akane's. Her annoyed glance indicated that she did not appreciate this closeness.

As Akane attempted to make room for herself near the countertop, she heard a small groan. Her eyes locked with Keito's glaring ones. She looked down noticing her foot had stepped on his.

"Get off," Keito ordered.

Instead, Akane applied more pressure to her foot making Keito flinch at the impact. She returned to cutting the potatoes. Slicing them into small bites as her lips lifted into a smirk.

"Ask nicely."

Keito's eyes twitched at Akane's attitude as a small vein almost popped from his forehead. He slammed the knife on the wooden board, nearly tearing it apart. A few carrots and potatoes were sent flying from the impact, "We're in this mess because of you." His voice was calm, but his eyes displayed annoyance.

If only she just complied for that one day. One damn day, they could have gone their separate ways.

But, here they were too close for comfort, glued together, but wanting to create as much space as possible from one another.

"You want to get technical," Akane pointed the knife to Kazuma, that put his hands in the air," it was his idea."

"Never said you had to listen to me, Sweetheart."

"Call me that one more time, and I'll-"

A loud thud from the dining table nearby rang in everyone's ears. The preteen's heads swirled facing the elderly woman; they flinched at Hisae's gaze. Her face may look like she had a smile on her face, but her aura says otherwise. Slowly, eyes wide and slight tremble from head to toe, Miki and Naruto created some distance between themselves at the vexed Hisae while they were at the dining table.

When they entered this house, the bounded team Yuya were at each other's throats. Akane insisted that she has things under control despite Hisae offering her aid with dinner. Now, her clean kitchen was in disorder. An hour passed and nothing was done. A once-clear wooden counter was packed with vegetables, stained from the chopped material and wet from its juice. The wooden floors were tarnished from the fallen vegetables. The ceaseless bickering of her granddaughter and teammates made things unbearable for Hisae's fragile ears.

"It seems that I have to fix you three."

Naruto gulped, his face slightly pale, from Hisae's words. After getting to know this firecracker for a while, he understood one thing about Hisae.

What she means by fix, she means to teach a lesson, a really painful lesson.

Naruto knew from experience; he learned his lesson.

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