一 (1)The Crimson Demon

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I do not own the Naruto series, and the Naruto characters belong to the Author Masashi Kishimoto.

My Oc's are all mine.


They waited patiently behind the sides of thin wooden fences. The shuffles of her steps drew their attention down the narrow path. The sound got louder as she approached the end of the alley. Back leaned on the wall, one took a peek in the corner of his eye.

Aqua afro hair styled into a high puff; her melanin skin was glistening in the sun, confirming the identity of their adversary known as Akane.

The leader nodded at his gang, and they did the same. It's time.

They jumped out from their hidden positions, she halted. Her crimson eyes held no fear nor surprise at the group of boy's presence. She watched as they circled her like a pack of wolves surrounding their prey.

Five of them were currently glaring at her. Her eyes stared blankly back at them as they all got into a fighting stance. She glazed over their appearance; they seemed to be around her age.

Akane responded by sucking her teeth in annoyance, her gaze fixed on them.

Their leader ordered them to attack; they all charged at her in unity. In a quick motion, the bluenette leaped and kneed one in the face. She pivoted on her heel, landing a hard kick to the abdomen on the next who crashed into two others. Another managed to land a blow to her cheek. Quickly evading the next one, she socked him. She felt the slight crack of his nose.

He doubled over, clenching his nose in agony. That was one heck of a punch.

It was one fight after another. These streets weren't the safest, especially in Akane's neighbourhood. Since she has now crossed that border, bratty bougie kids want to try to test the waters.

These boys weren't the first ones to fight her. Plenty before them has tried to up against numerous times. They would always attempt to bully the ones they deemed weaker than they were.

What a fatal mistake.

Akane grunted as she received a blow to the face, blurring her vision, causing her to stumble. The second punch sent her a few steps away, crashing on her backside. The dinky space between the fences gave the boys an advantage. It left no room for an escape. They began to throw kicks and stomped at the defenceless girl. 

Seeing this, the leader grinned. They continued their assault, a pack of ants trying to get a taste at their meal.

Finally, the boy has the advantage in his grasp; he can get back at her for always making a fool out of him, consistently winning against him, no matter what he did. He was at his final straw. For once, he wanted to be the victor.

Unfortunately for him, today wasn't that day. He is dealing with no rookie.

They came for a battle. Then, a fight they shall receive.

She gripped their legs before they collided on her cheeks. The boys froze at the look in the girl's eyes. At this moment, they knew they messed with the wrong one. Akane's crimson eyes blazed in anger while gritting her teeth. Like rag dolls, Akane tossed the boys aside. Their leader watched in utter shock as she beat up the rest of his gang once again. A knuckle sandwich to the jaw to the one in the front; a sidekick to the gut to another

Akane showed no mercy.

Soon after, the girl stood in the middle of the alley, a few splashes of blood soiled her clothing and features. Panting, tired from the fight that took place. Her hands battered up and bruised by the battle.

Blazing Empress(Naruto AU)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum