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Out into the open air stood three genins alongside their teacher. They watched her placed a clock on top of a small tree stump. She switched its gears around making the hands rotate around for the hands to halt on the twelve and four. It ticked as she tapped the handle at the top and faced them.

"You have until five o'clock," Yuya said while her palm with all fingers extended then she switched to finger sticking out"There are two bells, one will announce the start and the other the finish." She finished with a closed-eyed smile.

The afternoon sunlight kept brimming in the sky although it's air became cooler as time passed. A gust tickled their skin and elapsed their hairs to dance to the rhythm of the wind. While nature joined in harmony to the beat as leaves from the trees and bushes rustled.

"Any weapon and jutsu are acceptable to pass this test." 

3:56 pm. The clock continued to tick as the time approached.

The Uchiha peered at the woman in front of him. He raised his hand to which the woman nodded at him, "Why another test if were already genin?"

Keito lifted his gaze to the male and back to his sensei. He agreed on that note, why waste precious time if they already passed the final exam?

In silence, as the flow of the river a few steps from them tuned, Akane glanced at her teammate momentarily, then, return the other female of the group. Her brows furrowed at the way Yuya's lips tugged upwards.

"You did pass." The woman analyzed the way Kazuma's face courted into confusion as he tilted his head to the side, "However, you must prove to me that you're worthy of any training."

And my time. She silently told herself.

She saw his eyes narrow a tad bit as he went quiet.

Yuya brushed a few hair strands behind her ear, "The rules are simple. Cut me once and you pass. It can be anywhere on the body as long as it's a cut. Think of this as if we're playing tag." A smile grew on her features, "Tag me and you win."

 The mellow stream distance away couldn't calm the increase of the bluenette's annoyance. Its small refreshing waves didn't do any good either. Does this woman take her for a joke? That hag smile only got her more irritated. An urge to smack it off initiated. She didn't get a match during her last exam, so exercising her muscle by using her teacher as a punching bag will be a sight.

The Hag will get what's coming.

3:58 pm. The ticks became rapid.

Keito lifted a brow. A game of tag? And all they have to do was graze their teacher just once? She's a strange woman, but if he can advance to become stronger he will take the bait. He shrugged. Meanwhile, the Uchiha wheels turned in his mind like the timer that was clicking.

"Oh!" Brown orbs widen in realization, "If you fail, you will be permanently dropped from the program."

The genins were taken aback. Now, she tells them the most important information about this test. If they do manage to flunk, they can never become shinobis ever again. Their careers would be over before it even started.

Akane gritted her teeth. This woman got on her last nerve. Stupid Hag.

A loud rang travelled through their ears. The clock rattling as it did so.

"Begin!" Yuya shouted. 

All three genins spread out on the large field grass, hidden themselves form sign. 

The exam has commenced.

"This is the second time you fail." The chunnin frowns at the Uzumaki, crossing his arms "You have to start taking things seriously." 

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