六(6)Missing you

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Hey everyone! I just wanted to thank all of you for reading my story! Also, thank you for your helpful feedback! I appreciate it! I received much useful advice from each of you! I know my chapters are long, LOL! 😂 This time, I plan to shorten them a little, not much, but just a chunk of it! I know I write a little too much and a bit fast, so if you notice any typos or mistakes, please let me know!

I would also like to thank you for almost 500 reads!! YAAASSSSS!! That you guys take the time to read my fanfiction! YALL ABOUT TO MAKE ME CRY! LOL😭😭, anywho thank you guys so much!

 Anywho on to the chapter! Don't hesitate to leave your thoughts and feelings in the comments! Thanks again! 😊❤

A month elapsed as the wind. Springtime was a beauty show, the outdoors bloomed nature, and flowers were blooming colours like a rainbow. Konoha's heat was a blanket. As warm as the sun, often cooling the citizens with passing breeze.

Few had the chance to enjoy the afternoon glow.

At the police station located seven blocks away from the academy, Fugaku flipped page after page, skimming over each information in his files. 

He was seated at his large wooden desk, lit by the bright lights in his office. A small rounded table along with couch at the right. A glass door and a window with blinds blocking his view, isolating Fugakue from his colleagues. Though he could still pick up shuffles of feet around the office area, the police station buzzed with voices. Some were either at their desk working while others collected other files. Others were stationed at the border to ensure the security of the village.

Leafy green tea filled his nose as he took sips. The head of the Uchiha furrowed his brows as he read through the case file in his hand. Papers placed all over his desks, documents stacked at his left side while another pile of paper rested as his right side. Some of these documents even lay on the wooden floors. He had a bookshelf filled with other case files in a more organized fashion at the rear of white walls on his left.

Fugaku unkempt, usually, his office was squeaky clean. This time, a hurricane flew to tear his office.

Last week, a child went missing.

The family of the victim reported their child missing when she didn't return home for dinner. A claim like that wouldn't be enough to file for a full investigation. The fact that someone didn't return home for the night would turn up the next day. Yet, this wasn't a typical case; this happened more than once. To be exact, this was the tenth time.

Layed in order, Fugaku placed each file on his desk. Onyx eyes focused on his documents, often switching back forth with other text files. A small picture attached to each of them.

Police Report

Case File Number: 009438
Date: September 10th

Name: Abuki Ameno

Gender: Female
Age: 7

Height: 4ft
Weight: 51.5Ib

Description: Brown hair, Brown eyes, Pale skinned. She had a red dress and black sandals the day she disappeared.

Incident: Abuki was a student at the Ninja Academy of Konoha. After school, a few witnesses saw Abuki playing with her friends. Her mother reported that she never returned home for dinner. The police searched, questioned neighbours and friends. No traces of her left at the scene of her disappearance. No other new information reported.


Police Report

Case File Number:004578
Date: January 12th

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