十四(14) C-Rank Mission: Scroll of Mugen Peak

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Finally, Akane's mind repeated as she strolled down the streets of her district. The morning winds tickled her skin while her curls danced to the rhythm of the soft breeze. The sun glimmered throughout the horizon, lighting her path ahead; its rays embracing the skies. The cool air gave a fresh aroma, yet thickened as she sunk further into her thoughts. Silence emitted due to the early hours of the day, yet Akane drowned out the melodies of the birds that soared in the skies.

Akane's crimson specks gazed at her feet soles as she led herself to Hokage's building. Finally, she echoed once more. She could get out of here and eventually leave Konoha. She would escape and step foot on the lands outside these walls. A shiver of excitement, an anticipation of the mission to soon be at hand.

Finally, no longer chained by a place she never called home, she was a stride closer to her plans.

Finally, it was within her grasp, ripened as fruit at its last stages of growth, to be chosen. She was reaching for it now. She was reaching for the goal that she thirsted to accomplish. A goal that consumed her thoughts like fire. No matter what she did, she couldn't escape it. It plagued her thoughts like a poison that would spread through the system. Her blood boiled at the unknown journey of the mission, yet unknowingly, her lips spread a grin at the thought of strong opponents.

Her mind played her memories like a song, yet not in accord or on the same beat, rhythm, or note. It was jumbled as if her thoughts tried to attain the ones she desperately needed. A memory that would add more fuel to the torch that never ceased within her.

A flame that would soon burn the one responsible for igniting it. A flame that would consume every nibble of their cells until nothing, but ashes were left in its wake; she unconsciously gripped the straps of her bag.

Once again, a gust rushed and brushed her curls aggressively. The voice of the air was calm, yet loud making her curls follow the flow of it. The chill of the atmosphere couldn't simmer the heat of anticipation that bubbled in the pits of her stomach.

Akane halted on her stroll; her gaze lifted to the horizon. Her hand stretched out to the skies, embracing the sun with the tip of her finger.

Her hand slightly shadowed her features, safeguarding her specks from the sun. Her mind travelled further into her memories, which she had buried all those years ago.

Flames ignited everywhere, from the walls to the ceiling to the soles of her feet. It devoured everything within its reach like a predator attacking its prey. Her eyes lingered on the form while a corpse spread circled all over the grounds, once green filled with life, now soaked in a murky crimson in the victims' blood.

Crimson eyes challenged the ample light of the sky, boring her eyes under the glim of the shadow. Her specks shined bright, blazing like a flame. Her hand extended, grasping the glimmering flare in her hands, then crushing it, clenching her hands into a fist.

I'm closer; crimson eyes bore into her clenched hands, the ball of fire in them. She brought her hand down; her gaze focused on it compared to the hazy dirt beneath her.

So close. She bit her lips.

Akane strived forward, continuing her path to the Hokage's office. Her blue curls still danced to the breeze's song, shimmering to the beat of the winds. The ambience l The fire in her heart was still burning, as brighter as ever—anticipation for the mission that would change it all.

Shortly after, she arrived at the office door, twisting the silver handle to gain access to it. As the door creaked open, Akane glanced at the familiar faces of her teammates, sensei and the Hokage she served—two Anbu guards stood at their leader's side, dripped in armour ashen shade. Akane's crimson specks glanced at two new faces in the office.

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