十三 (13)The Same

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Naruto's heart thumped in his rib cage, prepared to jump right out of his chest. Bullets of sweat formed on his brow, eyes wide awake from the moon's howling winds and radiant glow. Its light kissed everything it touched in the dining room, slightly creeping into the living where they slept. The breeze blew on the small, waving the dark curtains. Though in the house's stillness, Naruto lifted his gaze while shifting himself under the bedsheets to get a better view of the meshes of aqua curls that peeked from the couch a few feet away. A fragrance emitted from her form. Her sheets slowly rose, then fell flat, indicating her slumber.

Hisae's offer to stay the night was unexpected for both of them. In their protest, the older woman gave them a look that silenced them from further discussing the matter. Though the situation aggravated Akane and Naruto, they silently agreed to go along, as none wanted to face the elder's anger. He may not have known Hisae long enough, but he understood quickly that she had a fiery temper like the eruption of a volcano. Naruto would be fated to get burned if he tested these flaming waters. Despite her age, he was sure he knew Hisae wasn't someone to mess with. He never thought he would see the day she would display another side to her.

Especially in such a vulnerable state.

The moment blood left Hisae's system was when Naruto experienced blond dread for the first time. Though he had his teacher Iruka, Teuchi, the owner of his favourite ramen shop, and his daughter Ayame were the first to show him some human decency and kindness, he wanted to lose neither of them, and that was the same sentiment he had towards Hisae. The ugly feeling washed away when she received her medication, although his relief was short-lived when he was told to stay behind while Miki returned downstairs to retrieve the other bickering pre-teen. Their little talk involved a certain someone by someone he met, the person he had no choice, but to give his gratitude and avoid at all costs.

Hisae's beloved granddaughter, Akane.

Naruto heard things concerning the girl. None were pleasant, though they were once classmates and never communicated with one another; many rumours circulated about Akane's strength and reputation amongst her peers. She got into deep trouble once; it was said she broke some big rich kid's nose. Though he had never seen her in a full brawl, in certainty, he knew she came out on top. Thus, the title of the Crimson Demon spread amongst the class; anyone who challenged her would be a fool to do so.

And Naruto didn't want to be that fool.

His eyes remained on the slumbering girl. Naruto bit his lips, a frown plastered on his features. To fill the eerie silence, he shifted under the sheets creating folds on his futon bed. He knew the cool breeze from the open window near the kitchen didn't make him shiver; His nightwear was comfy, a short sleeve black t-shirt with orange shorts that usually wouldn't make him shudder.

Yet, he did.

Naruto knew he wasn't cold. His futon adored enough warmth that kept him heated in the cool air. The simple white sheets and dark blankets shielded him from it.

Yet, his brows pooled with sweat from his forehead to his palm. He whipped the covers off to calm his form from overheating while he rolled around his futon. His mind attempted to find ways to speak to her and communicate with the girl, but his words only clogged his throat and wouldn't escape his lips every time they met. He groaned in frustration. All he had to do was give his thanks and be done with it.

"Go to sleep." Naruto jolted at Akane's voice that cut the howling winds as the air choked. Then, slowly, Naruto met her eyes and gulped at the sight. There they were in the zen atmosphere under the glimmer of the light of the skies. The crimson shade of her gaze glowed in the moonlight, the night skies battling for dominance to conquer the horizon. A dark cloth wrapped around her hair exposed her blue curls at the top; her eyes remained glued on him as her face displayed no emotion.

Blazing Empress(Naruto AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang