三(3) Team: Friends or Enemies?

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The beaming rays caressed the lands it brushed upon. Nuzzling the bristles of nature, kissing it with its warmth and radiant glow. Petals of cherry blossom danced to the rhythm of whistling breeze that elapsed by as it gently glided to the flat coat.

In the time of spring, the flower buds unsealed their true beauty. They bloomed with elegance and grace at their prime season, its colourful hues complementing each other with such shimmering blaze from the afternoon sun above.

Far and wide, in the land of Konoha, life ascended from its previously lukewarm state. Villagers appreciated the sizzle of the weather enabling them to do their daily tasks and travel efficiently. Merchants shouted in the streets on new deals for sale, children's cheery laughter.

Bustling jaded leaves rustled near the massive academy below the Hokage Mountain was where a future team of genin gathered in a secluded area. Each sat next to one another on the stone bench in a semi-circle as their teacher stood before them.

"The name's Might Guy!" The male introduced enthusiastically. His thumb's up pointing to himself as a wide grin emerged on his face.

Tenten swore his teeth vividly sparkled with inaudible ping.

Tall of stature and well-build lean muscles, the man's bowl cut black hair gleamed in the sunlight, eyebrows thicker than a form of a caterpillar and fair-skinned with dark eyes. Attired of a green jumpsuit along with a green unzipped flak jacket a red swirl at the back, his headband strapped on his waist and carrot coloured leg warmers with blue ninja sandals.

The jonin continued, "Each of you tell me what you strive for in the future."

Elevated from his seat, Lee's heart raced from excitement, "I will become a great ninja with only taijutsu." He declared as his teacher grinned at his statement.

Rock Lee's eyebrows were as conspicuous as his teacher's. Rounded black eyes with prominent lashes at the bottom. Shiny hair which he also shared, only his arched upwards. Forehead protected by his headband. Grabbed more traditionally, a white short-sleeved kimono top, a martial arts belt and dark pants with aqua shows exposing his toes.

Tenten lips formed a small smile from his determination. His onyx eyes held passion for his goal. However, someone else's opinion differed from hers, the Hyuga couldn't help it and let out a chuckle. As if what was said to be a farce. A comedy act.

Pearl orbs tinted with lavender and pale as the winter snow. Neji Hyuga's eyes displayed distaste for his teammates. His straight chestnut hair cascaded down his back tied at the few last strands. His beige coloured shirt created creases as popped an arm resting on the ledge of the bench. Bandages wrapped around his right arm and leg, blue ninja shoes on his feet. His Konoha headband on his forehead.

Everyone's eyes landed on the boy while Lee's thick brows furrowed, "What's so funny." Hand extended pointing at him.

The brunette noticed the Hyuga's lips tugged into a smirk, "A shinobi that can't use ninjutsu or genjutsu can't be a ninja." She didn't miss the cold tone expressed to his male counterpart sending Lee on edge. They formed as into a glare as the boys were eye to eye.

Either Lee was bruised by insult or he knew it to be true.

Guy gazed at the young boys, remind him of his relationship with a certain Copy-cat ninja. A rivalry would always create some type of bond. Whether the relationship was good or bad. This will enable his students to grow stronger as they polish themselves to become full-fledged shinobi.

He reminisced on his conversation with Lee. How he was determined. Watching the boy on how hard he trained, despite a few disadvantages, it confirmed his decision to take the boy under his wing.

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