十五(15) Resolve

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"Is everyone ready?" Yuya asked, her gaze shifting to her students while hoisting her bag on her shoulders.

The horizon blazed in Konoha; its warmth wrapped the land in a heated blanket. Yet, occasionally, the breeze kissed the trees, rustling the green leaves. The fresh air tickled their noses, now freed from toxins from the Hokage office they had previously entered. The whistles of the air brought no comfort for the journey ahead; the noise could not calm their nerves.

The genins were in a daze at the news of the mission they had received. It was challenging to process all the information at once in such a short amount of time. All these secrets revealed, said in one session, unfortunately, for them, that wasn't the leading cause of their displeasure.

As they stood before the village gates, the preteens sighed as their shoulders slumped, each closing their lids as they wandered deep within their thoughts. The flaming symbol of the doors elicited a slight annoyance within them. Its wooden plack mocked them, daring them to step out toward their destination.

Two guards were posted at the left of the main entrance, resting themselves in front of a wooden desk. Both attired in the usual green flak jacket, the metallic plate of their headband flashing under the sunlight, watched the whole ordeal in confusion at the genin's attitude.

"Uh, are they okay?" Kotetsu Hagane asked as he raised a brow, leaning on the table to get a better view. His spikes of dark hair framed his face as he whipped his head to his partner, who sat beside him under the shade.

Izumo Kamizuki lit a cigar, inhaling the toxins and then blew out the whirls of toxic clouds." Doesn't seem like it," he replied, arms crossed on his chest as his dark eyes lingered on the genin. Though calm under the cooling shadow, he watched how their shoulders slumped while dragging their feet, their eyes empty as they stared at the large wooden gates. His lips curved into a smirk as he gritted the cigar between his teeth; he knew that feeling during his genin days.

These genins must be getting cold feet.

"Guys?" Yuya's voice pulled them from further processing the weight of the situation while she waved her hands in their faces. " Ready or not?" She placed her hands on her hips.

Akane peeked an eye open, visibly frowning as her brows furrowed. She knew her teacher poked fun at them, the tone in the hag's voice, a vein on her neck pulsed in slight irritation at the woman's attitude. Her frown only deepened as a spark peered in the Hag's eyes, the woman's pupils dancing in amusement.

Their teacher poked fun at their plight, and Akane wasn't for it. An incoming headache was coming from the amount of details received at the Hokage's office. Brows furrowing as her features formed a frown at the thought of it. Leaving the village was her utmost priority, her goal so close she could almost feel it in her hand. However, this mission was just...

Akane closed her eyes again and released a heavy sigh as her mind became a bit misty, her thoughts halting now, understanding what could be at stake if the mission didn't go as expected.

On the other hand, Keito lifted his gaze to the village gates as he shaded his golden hues from the sun's haze. The symbol of the hidden leaf was at the top of a turquoise plaque, with two kanjis characters calligraphed in crimson at each side. The enormous wooden doors were wide open, its swirls of ocean-coloured teal brimmed with a freshness of welcoming atmosphere. Yet, to the Yamada, the entrance discerned uncertainty as his specks of gold glared at it.

He knew well enough that the ending of the mission must be nothing short of success. The underlying message of the main reason behind it; he read between the lines of the meaning behind this mission. He signed heavily as if a huge weight set itself on his shoulders. Keito kept his gaze on the big gates as his mind worried about the journey ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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