Your Girl

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Joel's POV
I woke up and noticed that I was in the room of house of where my mom and brothers we staying I looked next to me and saw that Elena was still sleeping so I got up without waking her up and went to the bathroom and took a quick shower once I was done I put on some pants and left the room so Elena could sleep a little more I made it downstairs to the kitchen saw my mom and Gabriel

Gabriel:Looks like someone has woken up

Patricia:Good morning Joel

Joel:Morning mom, Gabo

Gabriel:Is Elena still sleeping

Joel: Yeah she might wake up soon though

Patricia:Good because I'm making pancakes

As I was talking with both Gabriel and my mom Israel came downstairs

Israel:Morning mom

Patricia:Morning Israel

Gabriel:I'll be right back I'm going to my room to get my phone

Joel:I'll be in the backyard if you need me

Patricia:Alright I'll call you boys when breakfast is done

Joel:Alright mom

I made my way to the backyard and sat down on the chair and pulled out my phone as I was scrolling through Instagram I thought Gabo was coming but once he sat down I noticed it was Israel

Israel:Hey Joel can we talk

Joel:About what

Israel:About Elena

Joel:Why would I talk to you about my girlfriend

Israel:More its about your jealous

Joel:Jealous? me?

Israel:Joel I can tell the way you look at me when I talk to Elena you give me a death look

Joel:You want me to be honest


Joel:Fine, I am I hate when someone else makes her laugh, when someone thats not me looks at her or compliments her

Israel:You know me and her are nothing else but friends right but of course you don't see that because of your jealously

Joel:I how guys are and we are all the same we see a cute girl and we flirt with her not caring if she's single or not

Israel:You saying that you've flirted with other girl's knowing your dating Elena

Joel:No I only have eyes for Elena she's my everything but I feel that she might like you

Israel:Joel we are friends I'm not that kinda brother that would steal his brother's girlfriend

Joel:If you like her just let me know so I end things with her

Israel:Are you listening to yourself Joel I can't like my sister in law plus I can tell Elena loves

Joel:I know but....

Israel:Listen I see Elena as a sister and she's the girlfriend of my brother

Joel:Your right thanks bro sorry and sorry for my attitude towards you I can say I was a little jealous of you I thought you were trying to take my girlfriend

Tu Luz (Zabdiel De Jesús)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ