We're Back

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Zabdiel's POV
I can't believe how time flys by fast these past months been great we had so much fun during the tour but at the same time I couldn't wait to go back and be with my girlfriend. Joel and I spoke with Litzy and Elena we told them that we would be back with them in a day but the truth was that we're already waiting for Casandra and Madeline to pick us up its like 3am in the morning. After a couple of minutes they got here me,Yashua,Joel and Richard got in Casandra's car, Christopher his sister and Erick got in Madeline's car then they drove back to there house.

Zabdiel:It wasn't necessary for you and Madeline to pick us up

Casandra:Trust me its ok

Richard:We were going to take an uber so that way we didn't wake you girls up

Casandra:Chicos its fine plus me and Madeline were wake

Joel:Why were you girls awake

Casandra:We were coming back from a party we had

Yashua:You girls always go home this late

Casandra:No sometimes the parties we go to end very late or early but thats what happens when your friend is the best party planner and when your the best DJ
We all laughed and kept talk until we got to there house.
When we got to the house Joel and I were going to our rooms but than we ended going to our girl's room.
I opened her bedroom door and closed it quietly I took off my shoes and I snucked into her bed good thing she didn't wake up I wrapped my arm's around her and just like that I fell asleep.

Litzy's POV
I woke up but stayed still for a bit than I decided to stretch and I hit something by accident

I turned around and saw Zabdiel
laying next to me

Litzy:What are you doing here

Zabdiel:Im I not welcomed any more

Litzy:Si but when did you guys get here

Zabdiel:We got here at 3 almost 4am

Litzy:Who brought you and the guys here or why didn't you tell me

Zabdiel:Your sister and Madeline pick us up apparently they had finished on of there parties plus I didn't want to bother you with picking us up

Litzy:I'm glad you and the boys are back I missed you all
I said as I hugged him and he hugged me back than I told him to rest whiled I tried to get up but he wouldn't let me

Zabdiel:A donde vas(Where you going)

Litzy:Voy a salir(I'm going out)

Zabdiel:Con quien vas(Who you going with)

Litzy:Con una amiga y Lunay(With a friend and Lunay)

Zabdiel:No tardes quiero pasar tiempo contigo hoy(No take to long O want ro spend some time with you)


Christopher's POV
I woke up and went downstairs to the kitchen I grabbed a snack and when I was going back to my room the doorbell ringed I had no other than open the door when I opened I saw a beautiful girl standing there


Christopher:Hola soy Christopher y tu(Hey I'm Christopher and you)

Tu Luz (Zabdiel De Jesús)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant