Telling Others About Our Trip

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Zabdiel's POV
I woke up and noticed that my girl was still sleeping so I got up from the bed without waking her up and did my morning routine than I went downstairs and found all th boys there including the two little boys I joined them we watch tv after a whiled we all got hungry and Christopher had a crazy idea

Christopher:Hey I got an idea since the girls are still sleeping why don't we cook something for us and our girls Richard and Erick can watch us

Erick:I don't think thats a good idea out of all of us the only ones that can cook are Richard and Joel

Yashua:I can cook to you know

Erick:In that case the ones that can cook are Richard, Joel and Yashua

Christopher:I don't think it can be that hard I mean I can cook remember Litzy tought me how to

Richard:Loco just became you helped her once it doesn't mean you can cook so just forget it and let me, Yashua and Joel cook

Lunay:Sorry Christopher but I agree with Richard if you me and Zabdiel cook we might burn down the kitchen

Zabdiel:No perdemos nada con intentar

Christopher:Eso Zabdiel

Zabdiel:Si sale algo mal todo será culpa de Christopher

Erick: Quien más está de acuerdo con Zabdiel de que todo será culpa de Christopher

We all laughed and agreed that if something went wrong we would blame Christopher as we all laughed we walked into the kitchen and began to cook

Christopher's POV
To be honest I was a bit afraid that something would go wrong like burning down the kitchen plus I don't think it can be that hard to cook

Lunay:Christopher since it was your idea what are you making

Yashua:I say no and let us cook

Richard:Hermano deja que Christopher haga lo que quiera además será su funeral

Joel:Ok pero ya Christopher que vas a hacer

Erick:Las chicas no tardan en despertar

Zabdiel:Esto es una locura

Christopher:Pancakes since its easier

Lunay:Y que hacemos yo y Zabdiel

Christopher:Corten la fruta y pongan la mesa

Erick:Oye Richard por si algo sale mal mejor ordenen algo de comer

Yashua:Erick is right bro

Richard:Ok Ill be right back

I saw Richard leaving the kitchen with his phone I guess he got a call or something but to be honest nothing is going as planned first I pmessed up the mixture and now I burned some of the pancakes Richard came back and they began to laugh when they noticed I burned them so Richard, Erick, Joel and Yashua bagan to laugh at me Zabdiel and Lunay didn't mind asking if I needed help they all just laughed

Litzy's POV
I woke up and did my morning routine after I finished I left my room and saw the rest of the girls leaving there rooms to we all went downstairs and headed to the kitchen and saw a mess the boys were watching Christopher struggling whiled Zabdiel and Lunay were cutting up fruit both of the kids were covered in flour

Celina:Que paso aqui chicos

Elena:Joel quien hiso todo esto

Anna:Yashua que hace el niño lleno de harina

Sophia:Christian también está lleno de harina

Litzy:Alguien nos puede explicar que paso aqui

They all pointed at Christopher we all looked at him and he turned aroundand gave us a sad look on his face

Christopher:Lo siento solo quería hace les algo de desayunar por mi idea falló

Celina:Amor no era nesesario

Erick:Fue lo mismo que le dijimos por ya saben como es Christopher

Litzy:Richard, Joel, Yashua porque no lo ayudaron

Yashua:Lo intentamos pero no quiso ayuda

Lunay:También fue culpa mía

Zabdiel:Fue culpa de Christopher, Lunay y mía por no ayudar los

Celina:Chris porque no dejaste que te ayudara Richard o otro

Joel:Lo bueno de todo esque ordenamos comida por si algo salía mal

Elena:Ya que Richard, Erick, Joel y Yashua no los ayudaron que ellos limpien este desastre

We all agreed to what Elena said so Lunay, Zabdiel, Christopher and the kids went to shower whiled the others cleaned. After everyone was downstairs and the food was here we all ate breakfast than watched TV

Zabdiel:Chicos yo y Litzy nos vamos de vacationes

Yashua:Que bien almenos no va estar encerrada

Joel:Le hará bien hacer estar unos días lejos de casa

Litzy:Lo hago solo porque siento que yo estoy arruinar nuestra relación

Richard:Espero que el viaje arregle su relación

Erick:Adonde van de vacaciones

Litzy:Bueno no lo se porque Zabdiel no me quiere decir a donde me va a llevar

Christopher:Creo que Richard, Yashua, y Joel saben

Celina:Bueno si saben entonces nunca lo sabrmos

Anna:Que romantico es un viaje solpresa

Sophia:Zabdiel y Litzy son la pareja perfecta

As we were talking Christian ran up to Zabdiel


The guys laughed as Zabdiel sat him on his lap Christian yawned and leaned his head on Zabdiel's chest

Litzy:He's been calling Zabdiel dad since you left

Lunay:So thats why he cried and kept saying papa and I thought he hust wanted me to hold him so I would hold him and he would cry

Litzy:Zabdiel had trouble going to the bathroom or shower I had to hold him until Zabdiel came out

Lunay:Well I was about to leave but I'll wait until he's asleep so I can take him or else he's going to cry

Erick:Oye Lunay parece que Christian tiene un nuevo papá

Sophia:Erick cállate

Sophia told Erick to shut up and he began to laugh so Lunay threw a pillow at him and we all laughed at Erick

Lunay:Litzy casi olvido mi madre quiere que vallan a cenar hoy en la noche quiere conocer a las chicas que que andan con tus "hermanos" y con tus amigos

Litzy:Bien a que hora

Lunay:A las 7pm

Litzy:Dile que hay estaremos sin falta

We all went back to watching tv and when Christian fell asleep Lunay and Sophia left to his house and we all continued to watch Tv.

Poor Christopher he almost burn down the kitchen but to his luck he did.

Do you guys think Lunay is ok with his son calling Zabdiel dad?

How will the did at Lunay's house go?

Tu Luz (Zabdiel De Jesús)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora