Meeting The Rest

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Litzy's POV
After watching the movie Juliana and I went to the kitchen and she helped me make dinner as we finished I heard the front door than I saw how the other came to the kitchen

Litzy:Hey guys you made it just in time dinner is ready

Richard:Where's Erick and Zabdiel

Litzy:Zabdiel is in the room talking to his mom

Erick:I'm here I was in the bathroom

Joel:Not to be rude but who's her

Litzy:She's my cousin don't you remember her

Joel:I think I don't remember her

Yashua:She looks familiar I think I saw her this one time her and your sister called me saying they wanted me to be with you

Joel:I think I remember getting a called from them saying you needed me

Christian:Maybe if you tell them her name they will remember who she is

Litzy:Her name is Juliana

Joel:Yeah I remember her

Yashua:I didn't recognize her she looks different

Richard:People change

Anna:Alright all the boys go wash your hands so we can eat

Elena:I'll help you girls set the table

Kayliegh:I will too

Anna, Elena, Celina, Kayliegh and I set the table than all the boys came downstairs and sat at the table, just as we were about to eat we heard a know on the door I went and opened the door

Lunay:Hey you guys busy

Litzy:No come join us we are about to have dinner

Sophia:We don't want to bother you maybe we can come after your done

As we were talking Christopher came up to us

Christian:Where is mom

Sophia:Lunay and her went out

As we were talking since Lunay was holding Christian and he wanted get down so Lunay let him down and Christian ran to the kitchen and we followed him he saw Zabdiel and ran up to him


Zabdiel saw him and picked him up and Christian hugged him

Juliana:Hey Litzy I didn't know you had a kid

Litzy:No its Lunay's kid but he likes calling Zabdiel Papa

Christopher helped Sophia sit down and he handed her a plate with food

Lunay:I didn't know your cousin was back

Litzy:Go sit next to Sophia

Lunay went to sit down next to Sophia and I went and sat next to Zabdiel we all ate and once we finished everyone went to the livingroom and Kayliegh and I cleaned the kitchen and did ths dishes after we finished we joined the others something I noticed was that Erick was quite during dinner and he's usually the one that likes to annoy Christopher.

Lunay's POV
As Sophia and I were watching tv with the others I got a text I pulled out my phone to check it and it was a text from Jeimax he asked if I was at Litzy's house I told him yes and he asked if I could help him talk to her about what happened I told him maybe some other time because Zabdiel would probably won't left her go out but the truth was that I didn't want my brother to cause them problems

Sophia:Who are you texting


Sophia:Everything ok with him

Lunay:He asked me if we were at Litzy's house I said yeah

Sophia:Does he need some

Lunay:He wants to talk Litzy

Sophia:What did you tell him

Lunay:I told him not right now because Zabdiel was with her

Sophia:Are you going to tell Litzy that Jeimax wants to talk to her

Lunay:I already know what she's going to say so no

Sophia:You should at let her know that your brother wants to talk to her

Lunay:Yeah I'll tell her tomorrow now lets go mi niña lets go home I can tell your tired

Sophia:You sure you want to go home

Lunay:Yeah I haven't spend time with my princess and I really want to have a little talk with her

Sophia:Ok lets go

I got up and helped Sophia as she was saying good bye to the others I went up to Zabdiel since he was holding Christian and like always Christian was asleep


Lunay:Thanks for making him fall asleep

Zabdiel:No problem

I grabbed Christian and I said bye to others than Sophia and I left Litzy's house and went to mine we walked inside and went straight upstairs Sophia went to our bedroom and I went and layed Christian in his bed I closed his bedroom door and wen to mine I saw that Sophia was already laying down I took off my shirt and changed into my sweatpants than I got in bed and layed my head on Sophia's belly

Lunay:Hey little princess your mommy and daddy can't wait to hold you

Sophia:More your dad he wants to hold you and have you all himself

Lunay:Not true I just want to know if she has your beautiful eyes, your smile and is she's as lovely as her mother

Sophia:But Lu I want her to your eyes

Lunay:Maybe after she's born and when she is like 1 or 2 years old we can have another baby

Sophia:She's not even born yet and your already playing for a 3rd baby already

Lunay:I wouldn't mind or how many kids do you want to have

Sophia:Maybe 3 but you at least wait until this one gets a little older

Lunay:Ok let me finish talking with my princess

Sophia:I see your going to give your daughter more attention

Lunay:No mi niña you, my princess and Christian are my world also we need to start thinking of names for our princess

Sophia:Ok we both need to think of at least 4 names once we have 4 we are going to agree on her name


I layed my head back on her belly and I was whispering things to my princess began to kick

Sophia:Lu whatever you telling her stop because her kicks do hurt

Lunay:Ok enough kicks princess mommy need to rest

I layed down and made Sophia look at me I gave her a kiss than I put my hand on her belly and just like we fell asleep.

Looks like Erick has became the quite one could it be because Juliana makes him go all shy?

Should Lunay tell Litzy that Jeimax wants to talk with her?

What should Sophia and Lunay name their baby? If you have any ideas of girl names comment them.

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