Jealous (part 1)

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Erick's POV:
Since last night I couldn't really sleep thinking of somethings I grabbed my phone and checked the time than I saw that it was 8am I looked over at Richard and he was still asleep I'm guessing he won't wake up unitl like noon since him and the others continued playing I got up and took a quick shower than I changed into fresh clothes

I was sitting on my bed and looking through my Instagram and saw that 2 good friends of us were in Las Vegas too I decided to text them and tell them to join me and some friends from breakfast they agreed I texted the girls and they said they were...

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I was sitting on my bed and looking through my Instagram and saw that 2 good friends of us were in Las Vegas too I decided to text them and tell them to join me and some friends from breakfast they agreed I texted the girls and they said they were ready we agreed to meet outside my room I walked out with out waking Richard up after 5 minutes they came

Erick:Hola chicas

Sophia:Hola Erick



Celina:Hola ojitos


Celina:Si de ahora en adelante asi te voy a decir yo bueno si las demas tambien te van a decir asi para mi esta bien

Anna:Que lindo apodo Ojitos me gusta

Elena:A mi me encanta ese apodo

Sophia:A mi igual ademas eso apodo le queda muy bien a Erick ya que tiene esos ojos hermosos

Erick:Ya chicas si me siguen diciendo asi me voy a sonrojar mas de lo que ya estoy anden vamos a comer


Erick:Espero que no les moleste que haga invitado a unos amigos

Sophia:Para mi no hay ningún problema

Elena:Para mi menos

Celina:Claro que no hay problema

Anna:Tus amigos son nuestros amigos

Erick:Bien entonces espero y les agrade mis amigos y casi lo olvido se ven lindas

Erick:Bien entonces espero y les agrade mis amigos y casi lo olvido se ven lindas

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We all walked to the restaurant and we got a table and took a seat we waited for a bit than my friends showed up with two other boys we got up and for some reason the girls looked surprised

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We all walked to the restaurant and we got a table and took a seat we waited for a bit than my friends showed up with two other boys we got up and for some reason the girls looked surprised

Erick:Hey Johan and Abraham

Johan:Hola Erick estos son mis amigos Andrew y Ivan

Erick:Hola chicos estas son mis amigas casi como mis hermanas Anna,Elana,Celina,Sophia

Abraham:Un gusto volver a verlas chicas

Erick:Espera se conocen

Andrew:Si nos conocimos ayer

Erick:Despues voy hablar con ustedes chcias

Ivan:Lo sentimos chicas no queríamos meterlas en problemas

After we all introduce to eachother we took our seats and we ordered our food than I got a text from Richard saying that the guys are waiting for the girls because they want to take them out for breakfast I texted Richard telling him the girls and I had breakfast that we would see them in a bit

Erick:Chicas vamos que los chicos nos estan esperando para salir a dar un paseo

Abraham:No me digas que Christopher, Richard, Joel, Zabdiel están contigo

Erick:Zabdiel no esta con nosotros el se quedo con su novia y con Aaliyah pero si vino el hermano de Richard, Yashua y Lunay

Johan:Me entre que Yashua tiene un hijo

Erick:Si se llama Miguel Ángel pero le decimos Ángel

Abraham:Y Yashua se trajo al bebe

Erick:No Ángel, Aaliyah y el hijo de Lunay se quedaron con Zabdiel y su novia

Johan:Que bien

Andrew:Que tal si hoy en la noche nos vamos al antro a divertirnos

Ivan:Buena idea chicos que dicen ustedes chicas

Sophia:Buena idea

Anna:Buen plan


Celina:Bien hace much que no vamos de antro

Erick:Espero no les moleste que traiga a Yashua, Christopher, Richard,
Lunay y Joel

Johan:Para nada además somos amigos

Erick:Bueno nos vemos en la noche

We got up and the girls and I were going to pay but Johan, Andrew, Ivan and Abraham didn't let the girls pay and the boys and I ended up paying and we were leaving the girls and the boys exchanged numbers than we all left and we went to my room and all the boys were there

Christopher:Chicas porque no nos despertaron para acompañarlas

Joel:Que se les olvidó que ya no están solteras

Yashua:Que tal si unos chicos andan de coqueteos con ustedes

Lunay:Que no entiende que ustedes ya no se mandan solas

Erick:Ya chicos fue mi culpa y quien creen que esta en Las Vegas


Erick:Johan, Abraham, y unos amigos de Johan que se llaman Andrew y Timothy y nos invitaron a salir a un antro hoy en la noche

Richard:Buena idea que dicen chicos

The guys looked a bit upset but ended up agreeing to go and have fun later at the club.

We spend the rest of the day playing games for a bit than we watched a movie we all agreed to meet at the club at 9pm so we said everyone would go get ready at 8pm and I hope the girls don't do anything that would get the boys to get into a fight with Abraham, Ivan, Johan and Andrew

Ill post part two later on

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