How it all began

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Lunay: I'm sorry litzy but I can't take it anymore I want you to be my girlfriend but you always say no can you tell me why can't we just be together.

Litzy:You know I do like you but I can't accept as much as I want to I just can't.

Lunay:Tell me why not.

Litzy:I can't because your younger than me.

Lunay:Princessa if two people love eachother age is just a number plus your 15 and im 13 its only like two years apart.

Litzy:I know but I just can't because others will judge me.

Lunay:You shouldn't care about others opinions as long as your happy what others say don't matter.

Litzy:I'm sorry but I made up and plus you say you like me but I feel like you don't because I was you making out with a girl last time. If you really liked me you wouldn't have kissed her.

Lunay just stayed quiet and was looking down because he new that she was right.

Litzy:Look I think its best if we don't talk to eachother no more and act like nothing happened between us.

End of the Flashback:

Litzy's POV:
Its been like 4 years almost 5 and I still feel bad for what I did but at least I saved myself from geting a broken heart well to be honest no one but my friend Joel and Yashua they are the only ones that know the truth.

Right now Im just waiting for Joel because he told me that he would facetime me because he is on tour but I'll see him soon. He promise to come visit me

Joel:Hey how's my friend doing.

Litzy:I'm doing good how about you.

Joel:Good so how's has your ex lover doing.

Litzy:How the hell i'm supposed know its his life not mine. Plus i'm over it now did you just called me to annoy me or what.

Joel:Ok I'm sorry just wanted to know how you been doing and also that I'll be there for your birthday.

Litzy:Well thanks but I'm not going to do anything I'm just gonna stay home.

Joel:Why stay home when you should go party since your turning 21.

Litzy:You know I don't go out since my parents separated.

Joel:I know but you deserve to be happy I know that since your parents separated you kinda locked yourself from the outside world. I mean you don't go out you pushed Lunay away because of your dad cheating on your mom.

Litzy:Ok I get it no need to tell me about my parents separating.

Joel:Ok I got to go its late and both of us got to go to sleep.

Litzy:Alright than Bye.

Joel:Called you again tomorrow sweet dreams

After I finished talking to Joel I laid back down and fell asleep.

So thats how it all began
Also just so you know I wrote this story thanks to an amazing author who inspired me to write it. She's the best I wouldn't have written it if it wasn't for @CNCOx5 I probably wouldn't have written this story.

I'll post this chapter and like 3 more.

Little heads up:
For the next chapter you guys will meet Litzy's sister and her sister's friend, mom and Yashua.

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