Fine but only friends

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Litzy's POV
I got home and saw Richard,
Erick,Christopher and Yashua in the couch they were watching TV I decided to ask them about rest

Litzy:Where's the others

Yashua:Joel and Elena are in her room probably making out

Erick:Madeline and Casandra left to take care of there business

Richard:Zabdiel is still in your room sleeping

Christopher:My sister is probably sleeping

Litzy:Have you guys ate

Christopher:We already ordered some pizza for all of us

Litzy:Well in that case can I join you guys
I sat next to Yashua and leaned my head on his shoulder

Yashua:You know ever since you and Zabdiel started dating you seemed to forgot that you have a best friend

Litzy:Well you know your always welcome to come with us

Yashua:Nena you really want me to be the third wheel

Litzy:I guess its time we find you, Richard, Erick and Christopher a girlfriend

Christopher:Not me I think I already have a girl in mind

Litzy:No Christopher I want you away as possible from Celina

Christopher:Litzy trust me I want to be friends and maybe if its possible something more

Litzy:No you want her to be another girl that falls for you than your going ro dumb her just like you do it with the rest

Christopher:Come on Litzy just give me a chance to prove to you that I won't do that with Celina

Litzy:No I'm sorry but I wont let you hurt Celina

Sophia:Hey Litzy just give him a chance I mean I get he's an ass a player a jerk

Christopher:Ok we get it I can be a lot of things

Sophia:Give him a chance to be friends with Celina and he plays with her feelings I'll gladly let you kill him

Christopher:Wow your the best sister thanks I can tell you really care for me

Litzy:I would rather not kill him


Richard:How about if he hurts your friend the boys and I can give him a lesson

Christopher:That won't be necessary because I won't never hurt Celina

Litzy:Yeah right

Christopher:If it makes up happy I'll only be friends with her

Litzy:I'll believe it when I see it so no flirting with her or anything

Yashua:Ok nena enough about this lets watch the TV


We all went back to watching the TV of course Sophia joined us than the doorbell ring and Christopher got up and opened then he came back with 2 boxes of pizza as we all began to eat than Joel and Elena came and joined us after like 5 minutes Zabdiel came downstair and also joined us.

Christopher's POV
As we were all eatting I went on Instagram and looked for Celina's Instagram when I found it I decided to Dm her

Christopher:Hola Celina(Hey Celina)


Christopher:Soy Christopher el amigo de Litzy(It's Christopher Litzy's friend)

Celina:Si ya recuerdo que paso(Yeah I remember you what happened)

Christopher:Estas disponible ahora(Are you available right now)


Christopher:Bueno quiero invitarte a salir(I wanted to invite you out)

Celina:No lo se Christopher(I don't know Christopher)

Christopher:Anda vamos como amigos(Let's go as friends)

Celina:Esta bien(Well ok)

Christopher:Dame tu direction y para pasar por ti(Give me your address so I can pick you up)

Celina:Esta bein(Ok)
                      ~End of Text~
After she send me her address I got up told the guys I was going out I wemt to my room and I changed my outfit than I asked Litzy for her car she gave me her keys and I left to pick up Celina.
When I got to her house I texted her saying I was outside she came out and got in the car and I drove to the movie theater

Christopher:Que tal si vemos una pelicula(How about we go see a movie)

Celina:Si por mi esta bien(Yeah I'm with that)

Christopher:Quieres ver una de terror(Want to watch a scary movie)

Celina:Solo si no es tan espantosa porfavor(Yes just make sure it's not that scary)

Christopher:No te preocupes yo estar a tu lado en todo momento(Don't worry I'll be by your side at all times)

Celina:Esta bien(Ok)

Her and I got the tickets than I bought popcorn and some drinks and some candy than we went to watch the movie during the whole movie she looked a little scared so I told her it was fine and it was just a movie after the movie was over I checked the time and it was 7pm I invited her to have dinner with me we went to a restaurant we ate talked than I paid for our food and I took her to an Ice cream shop.

Christopher:De que sabor quieres tu helado(What flavor do you want your icecream)

Celina:De fresa porfavor y tu(Strawberry please and you)

Christopher:Yo voy a escojer de chocolate(I'll get chocolate)

I got her ice cream and mine I paid for them than we went and walked around a park that was near the ice cream shop.
We walked talked got to know eachother we had so much fun after we finished our Ice cream we went back to the car and I drove her home I told her that I had so much fun with her and I asked her for her phone number and she gave it to me than we said bye to eachother and I drove back to Litzy's house as I walk in I see Joel giving me a weird look

Christopher:Why are you looking at me like that

Joel:Where did you go

Christopher:I'm I not allowed to go out now

Richard:He probably went with a girl you know he's a player he doesn't take a girl seriously

Christopher:Well thanks for exposing me

Erick:No problem

Christopher:You know what I'm done with you guys
I went upstairs to my room I laid down on my bed thinking about what Richard said I think its time I show them that I'm ready for an actual relationship I mean Celina has something that make her different from girls that I hang out with and for some reason I feel like shes the girl I need the girl I want to be in a relationship with I was thinking to much of it that I fell asleep.

Is Christopher ready to be in a relationship?

Will he be able to show Litzy thats he does want something serious with  Celina

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