I'm pregnant (part 1)

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Next day
Litzy's POV:
I woke up and took a quick shower and picked out my outfit I changed into it quickly than I texted both Celina and Sophia they said they were both outside already I got my car keys and left the house and since today was sunny but a bit cold we all weared something warm

Next dayLitzy's POV:I woke up and took a quick shower and picked out my outfit I changed into it quickly than I texted both Celina and Sophia they said they were both outside already I got my car keys and left the house and since today was sunny b...

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The 3 of us got in the car and drove to the doctor when we got there we walked in and checked in than we sat down and waited for the doctor to call both Sophia and Celina. After 5 minutes they called both of them and I went with them because they wanted me to be with them they told the doctor how they've been feeling and the doctor took them and did a pregnancy test and than they were back and we waited for there results

Litzy:Piensan decirle a Christopher y Lunay

Sophia:Si resulta que si estoy embarazada si

Celina:Yo igual y si no estoy embarazada pues le tengo que decir de igual manera

Litzy:Y si están embarazadas y ninguno de los dos se quiere hacer cargo entonces yo si les voy a dar todo mi apoyo a las dos

Sophia:Gracias Litzy

Celina:Gracias por ser una buena amiga

Litzy:No grasias a ustedes por venir y cambiar mi mundo de tristeza y soledad a un mundo lleno de felicidad y alegría

Sophia:Más bien la felicidad te la devolvió Zabdiel

Celina:Eso es cierto tu y Zabdiel se la pasan casi todo el día si no en tu habitación es en la habitación de el

Litzy:Bueno si vemos películas o aveces el esta en su computadora y yo dibujo

As we were talking we they knocked the door and the doctor came in and told us that both Sophia and Celina are 2 months pregnant the doctor scheduled them for a checkup to make sure the baby is heathly after that we went back to the car and drove away

Litzy:Y como piensan decirle a Christopher y Lunay que van a hacer papás

Sophia:No se que tal si no quiere ser papa por segunda vez

Litzy:Eso no lo vas a saber si no le dices y como te dije si el no quiere darte su apoyo pues ya sabes me tienes a mi y tu Celina

Celina:No quiero pero se lo tengo que decir porque cuando comience a crecer mi panza no lo voy a poder ocultar

Litzy:Que bien y como le dije a Sophia si el no quiere apoyarte me tienes a mi tu y Sophia ya son como hermanas para mi. Que tal vamos a comprar algo para que les digan que están embarazadas

Sophia:Buena idea

Celina:Claro porque no

We all agreed and went to a store we got a two boxes Celina got a baby clothes and Sophia just grabed the box we went and paid for the things they got than we drove back home and we went inside and found Zabdiel, Christopher and Lunay standing there

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