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Next day
Joel's POV
Yesterday that I left to meet up with a friend and felt bad for lying to my mom and Elena I just hope my brother came home late or else Elena will be mad at me now I'm on the way back home its 8am and I need to come up with an excuse since yesterday me and my friend went to her house as I got home I opened the door quietly and walked inside than close the door



Patricia:Where are you coming from young man

Joel:I went for a walk

Patricia:You went on a walk on yesterday's clothes

Joel:Yeah I mean no I mean maybe

Patricia:Joel Pimentel De Leon, where did you go yesterday and why didn't you come home

Joel:I went with Emanuel remember I told you

Patricia:Don't lie because your brother came home yesterday and I asked him where you were he said he didn't see you after breakfast

Joel:Fine I went out with a friend

Patricia:Was it the girl that I told you that came looking for you


Patricia:Why didn't you say "mom I'm going to meet up with my friend" was t really necessary for you to lie to your mother

Joel:I'm sorry mom but I thought you would tell Elena where I really went

Patricia:You also lied to Elena

Joel:Yes sorry, where is she by the way

Patricia:She's in your room sleeping because yesterday she stayed up later waiting for you to get back from wherever you went to

Joel:Sorry mom I shouldn't have lied

Patricia:Listen Joel if your interest n someone else please tell Elena I don't want you to break her heart or make her think she's not good enough for you yesterday her and I talked about you


Patricia:Yes she said she loves you and she is a lucky girl to have someone like you with her knowing you have lots of fans that are probably better than her

Joel:I should be the one to say how lucky I am to have a girl like her who can handle my jealousy, she is amazing in many different ways and I love how she finds ways to cheer me up when I feel down

Patricia:Well than go say that to her not to me and make sure you tell her the truth and no lying

Joel:I will but first I'm going to go buy something for her

Patricia:How about you sneak in your room get some clothes and go shower in your brother's room and I go get something for you to give her

Joel:Alright thanks mom

After my mom left I went and sneaked in my room I grabbed some clothes and went into Gabriel's room and took a quick shower I got out and went to the livingroom than my mom came back.

Elena's POV:
I woke up than checked my phone and saw that it was 9am I check the bed and noticed that Joel didn't came home because last night I was waiting for him in the living but Israel convinced me to go and get some sleep, I layed back down and was on my phone when I heard the door open I didn't mind checking who it was

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