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Sunday Afternoon
Richard's POV:
I was checking if I packed everything I needed for the trip and Aaliyah was helping me

Richard:Aaliyah I'll be gone for a couple of days so you got to be good for tio Zabdiel and Litzy ok

Aaliyah:Ok papi

Richard:Also mi niña be nice to Christian and little Angel ok

Aaliyah:Ok I promise I'll be a good girl papi

Richard:I'm going to miss you mi niña

Aaliyah:Me too papi

After making sure I had everything I closed my suitcase and I went downstairs with Aaliyah and waited for the others to get down

Lunay's POV:
I was finishing packing some clothes for Christian since my mom will be staying at my aunt's house and I made sure he has everything good thing Sophia and I packed out things last night

Lunay:Sophia can you check where that little devil of mine is

Sophia:Don't call him like that

Lunay:Ok I won't can you bring him here please


Lunay:Do you have everything your taking with you


Lunay:Ok go get him than so we can leave to Litzy's the others might be already there and ready to go

Sophia went and got Christian I grabbed his little suitcase, mine and Sophia's and we walked to Litzy's house Sophia opened the door and we saw that Richard and Aaliyah were the first ones there then we join them and waited for the others.

Joel POV:
Elena and I were finishing packing since we a little last night and we didn't finished so we were doing it last minute now

Joel:You got everything your phone, camara, charger

Elena:Yeah what about you


Elena:I hope that during the trip you can relax a bit since I've been noticing there's something thats bothering you but I don't want to force you to tell me anything since I guess its more personal and you don't want to tell me for a reason

Joel:Princesa.... I....

Elena:It's fine I'll wait so when your ready to tell me what's going on I trust you and know that you will tell me once your ready to tell me

Joel:Thanks now you know why I love you so much


Joel:Because your a understanding person and you trust me and give me space to tell you what's really going on with me

Elena:Anything for the best boyfriend how knows how to treat a girl

Joel:Asking you to be my girlfriend was the best decision I've made in my whole life (pulls her closer and gives her a soft and gentle kiss) Love you princesa

Elena:Love you too are you done or the guys might leave without us

Joel:Im done what about you

Elena:Me too

Joel:Lets go than
Both Elena and I closed our suitcases and grabbed our hoodies and left my room and headed downstairs to join the rest as we got to the living room we saw Richard, Aaliyah, Lunay, Sophia and Christian we joined them and were just waiting for Erick, Christopher, Celina, Anna and Yashua after a whiled Erick joined us now were just waiting for the other four to join us.

Yashua POV:
I was finally done with my suitcase and now Anna has to check if she got everything she needed before we leave and whiled she does that I'll watch our little angel I hope that during the trip maybe Anna and I could get to know eachother a little more

Yashua:Hey Anna


Yashua:I was thinking why not since were are goung on a trip maybe we can get to know eachother a little better

Anna:I would love that too I want to get to know who's the boy that took care of my son and thanks to him my son now with me and not with someone else

Yashua:I'm not sure if I want to go I don't want Litzy having trouble shes already going to watch Aaliyah and Christian

Anna:I know I don't want to leave him either but it will be good plus if we got on a vacation next time we can go all together you me and him

Yashua:Right but still ge might give her more trouble

Anna:Yashua he will be fine plus Litzy won't be alone she got Zabdiel and we will facetime them every night so we can see how his doing

Yashua:Alright I hope I don't d any crazy things

Anna:There I'm done lets go the guys might be waiting for us already

Yashua:Lets go than
I had Angel and handed him to Anna sh took him and I grabbed our suitcases and we headed down stairs and saw that almost everyone was there the only ones missing were Christopher and Celina so we joined the rest and waited for the Christopher and his girl.

Christopher's POV:
I was walking back and forth and was all over the place because I'm packing my stuff Celina pack last night and she told me to do but I didn't do it and now I feel like I'm going to go crazy and Celina is just watching me and smiling

Christopher:Amor porque mejor no paras de reir y me ayudas a terminar de empacar

Celina:No anoche te pedi que empacaras y no quisiste asi que haslo tu solo

Christopher:Estabien no te necesito ademas ya casi termino de empacar

Celina:Si ya casi terminas entonces porque querias que te ayudara

Christopher:Era una escusa para hacer esto(I walked closer to her and kissed her)

Celina:Christopher si ya terminaste ya vamonos si no nos va a dejar el vuelo ademas los demas nos deven de estar esperando

Christopher:Bien vamonos

Both Celina and I grabbed our suitcases and phones than we went downstairs and looks like we were the last ones

Erick:Hasta que bajan oye porque tardaron tanto

Celina:Diganle a Chris que desde anoche le dije qie empacara y no quiso así que estuvo como loco y todo por no querer empacar ayer

Christopher:Bueno ya vamonos

Richard:Quien nos va a llevar al aeropuerto

Litzy:Zabdiel los llevara



Yashua:No creo que sea buena idea Litzy tu hermana no esta y vaz a estar sola con 3 niños

Litzy:Yo tengo todo bajo control Yashua mejor ya vallanse si no perderan su vuelo

Zabdiel:Vamos chicos

Yashua handed me Angel, Christian and Aaliyah said bye to there dad's Richard and Lunay both told them to behave and listen to everything I say after saying bye to everyone Zabdiel took them to the airport whiled I stayed with the kids.

Looks like the others are on there way to Las Vegas lets hope everything goes well.

Will the boys do something crazy whiled there in Las Vegas?

Sorry if I'm taking forever to publish chapters, I have some chapters that are done but I going through them and fixing them and I'll publish them soon.

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