Take a Break in the Garden (Italy)

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You are sitting at the table, trying to get something done, praying you aren't interrupted. You roll your eyes at the thought, knowing that was ever going to happen.

Just as you had predicted, Italy comes running into the room. "Ve! ____, come look at what I made!" Without giving you a choice, he grabs your hand and pulls you from the chair, taking off at a run dragging you behind him.

"Slow down! I can't keep up with you," you insist, dragginig you feet trying to stop him (or at least slow him down). But he ignores you and continues to run.

Italy runs through the big french doors at the other side of the house, that lead to the rose garden. Eventually, the two of you make it to the gazebo that sits in the maze like garden. Italy leads you to the small couch inside the gazebo. In front of the couch, sits an easel.

You take a closer look at the painting sitting on the easel, while Italy stands eagerly with his hands on your shoulders. It's a painting of the rose garden, but not just the rose garden, you are sitting in the rose garden, wearing a beautiful little summer dress, reading a book.

It's so beautiful you're speechless. After a minute of silence, Italy whimpers behind you. You turn and see Italy on the brink of tears.

"What's wrong?" you ask reaching up to lay your hand on his cheek. He leans into your hand, "You hate it," he tells you. You immediately shake your head. "No, I love it!"

His expression changes into that Italy smile again, "Really?" he asks. You nod. "Veee!" he squeals. Italy picks you up and spins you around inside the gazebo nearly knocking over the easel.

Italy lowers you to the floor, keeping you close. He stares into your eyes, "Tu sei più bella di una rosa, il mio amore"[1].

"Grazie," [2] you respond, even though you have little idea what he said. Knowing this, Italy smiles and says, "You have no idea what I said." You nod, and he laughs. "Ti amo." [3]

"Now that one I know." you say with a laugh. He smiles, then bends down to kiss you, your work temporarily forgotten.

[1] You are more beatiful than a rose, my love.

[2] Thank you.

[3] I love you.

Cute? yes? maybe? Well i tried let me know what you think please! <3

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