Surprise (GermanyxItaly)

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"Germany!" Germany hears Italy scream. He can also hear his running footsteps heading toward him. He rolls his eyes and swivels around just in time for Italy to fly into his lap. Italy wraps his arms around Germanys neck to steady himself. Germany isn't even surprised anymore. "Lets go on a picnic!" Italy squeals.

Germany thinks about it. It's nice outside, and he does need a break from his work. "Ok sure." Italy squeals again, jumping off of his lap. "Come on Come on Come on Come on Come on." He pulls Germany out of the chair and runs outside. When Italy starts to head towards his car Germany stops. 

"I am not riding in the car with you driving." Italy pouts. 

"But if you drive then it won't be a surprise...and I have a great surprise for you," Italy tries to persuade him. Germany can't resist Italy's pouty face, so he relents on the conditions that Italy drive super safetly. Italy nods furious and they get in the car. Germany wants to ask where they are going only he knows that Italy won't answer so he decides to just stay quiets and enjoy the secenery. Italy drives so gently that Germany actually falls asleep. Italy, seeing that Germany fell asleep, just explodes with giggles.

"Aw, he's so cute!" Germany stirs, and Italy hushes himself. "This is going to be great!"

Germany is awakened by a kiss on his cheek. He starts, and sees Italy standing outside his door. Germany looks out, disoriented not knowing that he had fallen asleep. Italy opens his door, and leans close to his ear.

"We're here," he whispers in his ear. Italy leads him to the beautiful picnic that he had set up. The blanket was positioned near a cliff over looking the sea. Germany just stands there in awe.

"This" Italy waits for his answer, nervous. Germany turns to him, "Amazing!" Germany surprises Italy by hugging him and spinning him around. Both are beaming. Italy timed the date perfectly because as they sit down to eat the sun starts to set casting a beautiful orange glow over the waves. Italy made some of their favorite foods, and both are in heaven.

Once they are done eating, the two men sit agaisnt the cliff looking out over the water and looking up at the stars. Without realizing, it the two end up cuddled up together. Italy has his head resting on Germany's shoulder, and Germany has his head laid against Italy's with his arm wrapped around his waist.

"It's so beautiful," Italy says. Germany nods, and sighs contentedly.

"This was just what I needed." Germany says. He had been swamped with paperwork, dealing with the affairs of his country. He had been sitting at his desk for hours, and he hadn't figured out a good solution yet.  

"Good. I'm glad." Italy says quietly, ducking his head slightly. "What?" Germany asks. "Nothing." Germany could see that Italy's face was red all the around to the back of his neck. Germany moves his hand up to Italy's neck, stroking along his jaw line, and smiling as a shiver passes through Italy. He uses the hand that is there to pull Italy's head toward him. They just look at each other for a few seconds. Both of their faces are flushed, and their breathing heavy, almost panting. Germany twines his fingers in Italy's hair and pulls him toward him. They smash their lips together, Italy turning and clutching onto Germany's neck. They kiss with fading sunlight behind them, the wind blowing against them. The smell of the water below and the crashing of the waves against the rock creates the perfect moment. 

Germany picks Italy up, and carries him to the car. After they get back home, Germany carries him upstairs, his work forgotten.  

Hey! Havent written in awhile and im going to try to get a few more stories out this weekend. I know it's not long but it is sweet (I think). I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you again soon! Take care <3


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