A Troubled Soul (Part 2) (GermanyxPrussia)

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Prussia POV

About fifteen minutes after Luddy goes to bed I get a bad feeling deep inside me. I drop everything and run upstairs to his room. I thank god that he didn't lock the door. I push the door open trying to remain calm.

"Luddy?" I don't get an answer. "Luddy?!" I walk to his bedside and lightly shake his shoulder. "Hey! Wake up." I shake him harder, and lightly slap his face. "Wake up!" My voice is getting more and more hysterical. I pick him up since he isn't that big yet and carry him downstairs. I pick up the phone calling 9-1-1.

"9-1-1. What is your emergency?" An annoyingly calm voice says.

"M-my brother. H-he won't wake up. I-I don't know what's wrong!" My throat is tight and I feel tears run down my face.

"Remain calm. I'll send an ambulance immediately. Tell me how you found him." I tell her that I went up to his room to check on him and he wouldn't respond.

"Were there any cuts on him?" I check him over and that's when I find the cuts on his body. None of them are fresh so I tell her no.

"What about medications?" That's when I remember the sleeping pills he has been taking. I grab hold of him refusing to leave him alone and take him upstairs. I lay him on the bed. He is still breathing but barely. It's very labored. I run to his bathroom and open the medicine cabinet. The bottle is missing. I run back over to him and that's when I see the bottle on his bedside table. I grab it and shake it. Nothing.

"Dammit!" I pick up the phone. "He took all the pills! What do I do?!" She instructs me to try and make him throw up. I set the phone down and prop him up against me. I shove my fingers as far as I can into his throat. He gags but doesn't throw up. I try again. "Come on, dammit!" The second time it works and he vomits all over himself and the bed. I lean him foreword so he doesn't choke on the vomit.

"It worked!" I yell at the phone. She tells me that the ambulance will be there soon and to try and keep him conscience.

"Hey Luddy. It's ok. Big brother's here. I'll protect you." His eyes peak open at me. He takes in a shuddering breath, then spits out more bile. I pick him up. "Let's get you some water, ok?" He nods weakly and closes his eyes again. "Hey! You gotta stay awake." He opens his eyes again and looks at me. I see sorrow in his eyes and it makes my heart break.

I set him on the couch and get a glass of water from the kitchen. I go out to him, handing him the glass saying, "Drink." He carefully drinks the water and closes his eyes. "No no no. No sleeping yet." He opens his eyes again and looks at me.

"I..." he tries to talk but has to clear his throat. "I'm...sorry...bruder." I sit next to him on the couch and rub his head.

"Shh, you don't have to say anything." I pull him close to me, his head on my chest and just hug him. "I love you." I kiss the top of his head and wait for the ambulance to come.

Germany POV

Slowly, I open my eyes. I look around the room. Great. I'm in the hospital. I feel a tube coming out of my nose and an iv in my hand. I roll my head to the side and see Prussia asleep in the hospital chair. My poor brother. The things I put him through. I see the clock on the wall and it reads 4:37 and since it's dark outside I know that it isn't the afternoon. No wonder Gil is asleep. I decide not to wake him.

The last thing I remember is getting into the ambulance. I must have "fallen asleep" on the ride over here. I see a button on the side of my bed. It says "Nurse" so I push it. I hear a ping in the hallway and a tired but gentle looking young nurse comes in.

"Did you need something? Is everything alright?" She comes over and starts looking me over. I put my finger on my lips and point at Gil. She nods and mouths sorry to me.

"Can I have some water please?" I whisper to her. She nods and heads out to get it. She brings back the water and asks if I need anything else. I say no and she leaves. I take a drink of the cold refreshing water. I stop for a second and think that I almost never would have felt the relief of cold water on a dry throat again. I was so close, so stupidly close to never seeing my brother again. I start to cry at the thought but I hold it back.

"It's ok." I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up, seeing Gilbert standing over me.

"Brother!" I feel my breathing accelerate. "I'm so sorry." I put my head down trying to hide my tears.

He runs his fingers through my hair soothingly, "It's alright."

"No it's not. I'm stupid."

"You're not stupid. You're just a teenager. I'm just glad I found you in time." His voice is tight, and I look up and see tears in his eyes. I wrap my arms around his waist and hug him tight determined to not let go. I don't ever want to leave him.

Yay! He's okay! Well, that's it for now. I might write a part three but I'm not sure yet...If I can think of something I will. Also side note I made up all of the medical stuff don't trust that any of it is legit because well its a story.

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