Troubled Soul (Part 4) (GermanyxPrussia)

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Sorry for taking so long to update this story...I actually kind of forgot about it. Sorry! It wasn't until I read some comments that I decided to write this so Thank you!! Well here is the final part of Troubled Soul. Enjoy!


"You made me look like a fool. I know you were going after my girl. I can't let you get away unpunished." He pulls out a gun, shows it off, holding it up in the light. My heart is beating uncontrollably, and I feel lightheaded from the lack of air. "This is going to be good." He slowly holds the gun up to my head, a sick grin on his face. I close my eyes and pray that he won't hurt my brother. "Gil, I love you. I'm sorry." Then a gunshot.


Germany POV 

I don't feel any pain. Maybe I'm already dead. I'm still breathing and I can feel my heart galloping in my chest. I slowly open my eyes, looking around frantically. It takes a seemingly endless second in order for me to understand what happened. Ivan on the floor, clutching himself with an infuriated look on his face. A pool of red on the floor underneath him. Gil standing at the base of the stairs, gun poised in his outreached hand, panting like a maniac. Life, which was on pause before, is starting to speed up. Gil runs to me, checking to make sure I'm not hurt. 

"Lud! LUDWIG!" He is shaking me, but I hadnt even noticed. I dazedly look at him. "Are you alright?" I think I nod, but I can't be sure. Gil takes my arm and pulls me over to the couch, motioning with his hand for me to stay put. I hear him on the phone, I hear Ivan swearing and groaning, and soon EMT's and police officers are here.

Once Ivan is loaded onto a stretcher and whisked out the door, the attention is turned to me.  One of the police officers comes over to me. 

"You alright son?" he says with a very calming voice. I try to answer but it gets caught in my throat. That was when I realized that I was crying, sobbing. I hunched over, not able to control the sobs racking my body. I feel a hand on my shoulder and flinch. I look and see that it is Gil. 

Prussia POV

My poor Luddy. He didn't even notice me when I sat down on the couch next to him. I gently touched his shoulder, and he flinched. When he realized that it was me, his eyes fill with tears and his lip starts shaking. He throws hiself at me, clinging to me. He buries his face in my neck, and I can feel the tears collecting on my shirt. I wrap my arms around him trying to reassure him that I'm alright. After about a minute of straight sobbing, I pull him off of my shoulder, and make him look at me. 

"Hey. It's alright. Everything will be okay." He calms down a little bit, settling to steady hiccups, but no more sobbing. 

"Where is he?"

"They took him to a hospital."

"Is-" He looks unsure. "Is he going to be okay?"

I'm surprised by this but I automatically answer, "Yeah, he'll be fine." But in truth, I have no idea. I honestly have no idea where I hit him. What if he is badly injured or worse, dying. I can't be throw in jail. What will happen to Luddy? 

The police officer clears his throat, directing our attention to him. "I know that you've gone through a horrendous event, but I'm going to need you to come with me." He motions for us to go with him. I stand up with Luddy still attached to me. The cop lead us out to his car, ushering us into the back. 

Germany POV

Sitting in the police station while Gil is being interrogated, is torture. People keep giving me sympathetic looks. They don't even know whats going on. 

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