Meeting An Old Friend(Canada)

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Taking walks through the woods has always been your favorite thing to do when the weather is nice. Today is no exception. Mid-fall is your favorite times to take your walks. You had stopped to take a break and you were sitting in semi-dry log when you hear rustling nearby. You look toward the sound trying to decide if you should be worried. Not seeing anything you decide it was nothing. Since this was a publi park, it's not surprsing that there would be noises.

You lay back on the tree and close your eyes, just listening to the sounds of the woods, which in included the footsteps. The footsteps would start for a ways, then stop, then start again. You dont give it a thought until you open you eyes and see someone. It's a boy, medium height with light blue eyes, light blond hair and a sweet face. You feel like you recognize him somehow, but you can't remember from where. He is carrying a satchel-like bag, and he is walking around like he is looking for something. He looks at the ground, littered with an assortment of bright fall colors; reds, oranges, yellows and browns.

You are drawn to this mysterious boy.

In a act of bravery you call out to him.

"Hey!" He looks over at you, startled having just realized that another living person was near him. "Whatcha doing?"

"Uh- I-I." He looks away shyly. You hop up off the log and walk slowly over to him. You circle him trying to meet his face but he keeps turning away.

"Why won't you look at me?" He only blushes in response. You grab his shoulders holding him in place. When you see his face full on you see that you do recognize the boy.

"Do I know you?" you ask. He clears his throat, like there is something stuck there. He nods, shyly. "Where?" you ask because for some reason you can't quite remember. But he keeps silent. "What's wrong?"

Very quietly he says, "Matthew." You think for a moment then suddenly it clicks. Your eyes widen and you are speechless, small choking sounds coming from your throat as you try to speak.

Overcoming your speechlessness, and scream, "MATTIE!" latching onto him and squeezing him a bear hug. You feel like crying at see your childhood friend again.

"Come on let's go somewhere and talk. You know catch up." you giggle excitedly and grab his hand, proceeding to lead him to your car.

You drive to a local diner and after the waitress gets everything and leaves, you turn to Matthew.

"So how you been? Where have you been? What are you doing here? What-Mmh," his covers your mouth for a brief moment before he pulls his hand away.

"Slow down. I can't answer all of your questions at once eh?" he says in the same breathy voice that he used to have, and you smile, glad that he is actually talking to you. "I've been good. I moved to Canada when I was 13 you know that, and that's where I've been ever since. Um...I came back because uh I have some business here," the last part he says like he's hiding something.

"What business?"

"Um just... business," he says avoiding your eyes. You think about pushing the question, but decide not to. You don't want him to leave.

"Sounds interesting..." you trail off taking a long pull of your soda while looking at him over the straw. "So, do you want to go back to my place or something," then you realize that you don't know where his is staying. "Where are you staying anyway?" Instead of answering, he gets up and stand next to you.

"I'll show you." he says, smiling. He is becoming more brave the longer you're with him. Good. He's showing his true colors. You walk out to the car together him sitting passenger. You turn the car on, but just sit waiting for him to direct you. 

"Alright, lead the way," you tell him, and he clears his throat.  

He gives you directions to a small development with cute townhouses. You pull into the driveway he points to.

"Ooh I like..." you trail off, getting out of the car. You look over, and see him standing next to you and you share a look. He then starts up the walkway and you follow behind.

The house (if you can call it that) is very cozy. A warm brown couch pushed up against the wall and a big tv (probably a gift from his parents who are loaded). A classic man-cave chair sits in front of the game station which is next to the tv area. The kitchen is a good size not too big with gray tile floor.

"You like?" he asks you.

"Do I like? I l love it," you say as you flop down on his couch. "But, it doesn't seem like you." Mattie sighs as he flops down next to you on the gigantic couch.

"I was hoping you'd say that. This is my brothers place."

"Oh yea! I forgot about your brother. How is he? Where is he?"

"He doesn't live here this is one of his 'getaway homes' as he calls it." You roll your eyes. Typical Al. 

"Of course. So seriously, what have you been up to since I haven't seen or talked to you in like seven years?" 

"Oh you know...this and that.." he was avoiding your question again. He leaned his head back against the back of the couch and closed his eyes. You look at him closely, seeing the bags under his eyes, how pale he looks, and just his overall aura. He's exhausted. 



"What's really going on with you? And don't give me any crap. I can see you stressing too much."

He looks over at you and sighs, defeated. "I just have a mountain load of things to deal with. It's not really something I can...expain."

"Why not?"

"Government stuff."

"Oh." You never expected a mousy person like Mattie would be involved in the government. You lay your head on his shoulder. "I'm glad I got to see you again Mattie." He wraps his arms around your shoulders, and pulls you closer. "Me too. I've missed you." You wrap your arms around him and hug him back. The two of you just sit there for a moment. Eyes closed; no tension; no expectations. Just spending time with an old friend.

It felt like you eyes were closed for a second, but when you open them next its dark outside. The clock under his Tv states that it's 10:43. You blink a few times. Why is it so hot? The couch moves under you and you realize that it's Mattie. Oh. That's why. You snuggle back into him, and his arms tighten around you. "Love you Mattie." You whisper, your eyes closed. He kisses you on the forehead. "I love you too." 

ooh I'm glad I finished this story. I've had about half of it written then I got horrible writers block. I really like this story. It's very cute. I hope you enjoyed it! Lots of Love <3


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